Meet Those Nerdy Girls: Tita Smyth Escobedo

Women in STEM

In this post series, we’re introducing the women behind Dear Pandemic and TNG.

Today we get to meet Tita Smyth Escobedo.

Tita has been a steadfast member of the Spanish language team that makes our Spanish-language content at Querida Pandemia possible. She has a degree in clinical psychology in her home country, Guatemala.

Tita says she enrolled in medical school but didn’t like dealing with physical pain or blood. She became interested in mental health, a very underserved area in Guatemala. She switched to psychology and never regretted it! However, life takes its twists and turns. Today, she lives and works in Philadelphia, PA where she co-owns an IT/web company with her husband. When she’s not volunteering with us or working there, she’s busy with her two daughters.

Tita recently took some time off due to a medical crisis, but we are so happy to have her back. ⚕️ She shares, “I advocate for wearing sunscreen daily after being diagnosed & treated for melanoma this year, and having medical checkups when you know something is not good in your body.”

❇️ What do you miss the most from Life Before COVID?

“Traveling, gathering with friends and family and going out to salsa dancing.”💃

❇️ Thinking back over these last two years, what has been a turning point for you?

“Taking care of my physical and mental health. Before COVID this was never a priority for me but the pandemic threw a couple big punches of reality at me, so I am now prioritizing ME along with my family.”

❇️ What is your superpower?

“Besides speaking Spanish? I am a mom – there is no better superpower than that! You have all the superpowers in one.”

❇️ What inspires you about your work at Dear Pandemic?

“The pandemic showed me how little science-based information there is in Spanish and I wanted to support & spread real information about the pandemic – and other topics when possible.”

Tita has two beautiful and super smart trilingual daughters, who have turned out to be fashionistas, just like their mama.

Thank you so much for all you do, Tita!

Love, Those Nerdy Girls and all our readers.

Tita on LinkedIn


Link to Original FB Post