Meet Those Nerdy Girls! Sarah Whitley Coles, MD

Women in STEM

Meet Those Nerdy Girls!
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD – Founding Member

Dr. Sarah Coles is an Assistant Professor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix in the Department of Family, Community, and Preventive Medicine. She received her undergraduate degrees in molecular and cellular biology and saxophone performance from the University of Arizona. She attended medical school at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix and trained in family medicine at the Banner University Medical Center – Phoenix FamilyMedicine Residency. Since completing residency, she has stayed on as faculty at the family medicine residency and at the medical school. In addition to practicing full spectrum primary care, she is involved in curricular development, organized medicine, community engagement and advocacy, and teaching medical students and residents in a variety of settings. Her clinical interests include integrated behavioral health, evidence-based medicine, and health literacy. She lives with her husband in Phoenix, Arizona and loves science fiction, watching too much TV, and board games.

➡️ Learn more about Dr. Coles here.

➡️ Read all posts written by Dr. Coles here.

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