How to have a SMART Halloween

Families/Kids Staying Safe

S. Space: keep your distance from other people.

M. Mask: wear a mask!

A. Air: take the fun outdoors.

R. Restrict: Avoid crowds (especially indoor crowds)! Don’t expand your COVID bubble on Halloween.

T. Time: Keep your interactions short & sweet.

We have updated our SMART graphic for the holiday. Feel free to pass this handy and festive guide along to all your friends & family. Print it out! Make a fridge magnet! Make a yard sign!

If you want some specific tips for Halloween fun, check out Dr. Malia Jones’s recent article in Slate.

Malia is an epidemiologist, mom, and Halloween superfan. She knows Halloween. And COVID.

Many thanks to our partners at Impact for their collaboration on the SMART guidelines!

Link to original FB post