COVID-19 Vocabulary List

Staying Safe

Need a vocabulary list for today’s lesson? Here’s a quick guide on what all the new words mean.

Social Distance – Maintain 6 feet of physical distance between you and other humans outside your home to avoid virus transmission

Self-Quarantine – Staying inside your home and sometimes separate from the humans inside your home for 14 days following contact with a suspected or confirmed case of illness, even if you are not sick

Self-Isolation – Staying inside your home AND separated from other humans (when possible) because you are SICK. If seeking medical care, wear a mask. Isolation continues until all three criteria met: 1) 7 days have passed since the first symptom, 2) no fever for 3 full days without the need for fever medications, 3) cough and shortness are resolving

Shelter in Place – Regulations set by governing bodies to remain in your home except for essential activities (usually a list of businesses and people who may continue to operate)

Link to Johns Hopkins Article

Link to original FB post