I have been hearing about young, healthy people who didn’t have overt symptoms of COVID-19 having strokes. What does this mean?

Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms

A: We are still learning a great deal about the virus.

Early reports from Italy and China have demonstrated that patients positive for COVID-19 are at an increased risk of developing blood clots, which can increase the risk of stroke due to occlusion of the blood vessels (1). Increasing cases of young, otherwise healthy people have also been documented in New York (2). The challenge is that scientists do not yet know the clear mechanism for this. However, one thing is clear: preventing excessive clotting (through preventative or prophylactic blood thinners in the hospital) and taking action quickly when home is important.

Follow the CDC and the American Stroke Association’s guidelines for action. Do you have a facial droop? Are you able to lift both of your arms equally? Do you have slurred speech or difficulty finding words? Then it is time to call 9-1-1.

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