Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college
Mental Health School Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have been affected by the pandemic, getting sent home and coming back for the college Read more…
August 8, 2020
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
July 30, 2020
Reopening Schools
Reopening School Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools Interview of Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools on Channel 3000, Madison, WI.
July 20, 2020
Parenting and Women in Science
Families/Kids Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 12, 2020
Doctors discuss COVID-19 and what they have learned
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
“What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?”
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
July 9, 2020
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have been affected by the pandemic, getting sent home and coming back for the college Read more…
Playing Together Safely
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
July 30, 2020
Reopening Schools
Reopening School Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools Interview of Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools on Channel 3000, Madison, WI.
July 20, 2020
Parenting and Women in Science
Families/Kids Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 12, 2020
Doctors discuss COVID-19 and what they have learned
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
“What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?”
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
July 9, 2020
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP Link to original FB post
Reopening Schools
Reopening School Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools Interview of Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools on Channel 3000, Madison, WI.
July 20, 2020
Parenting and Women in Science
Families/Kids Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 12, 2020
Doctors discuss COVID-19 and what they have learned
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
“What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?”
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
July 9, 2020
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools Interview of Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools on Channel 3000, Madison, WI.
Parenting and Women in Science
Families/Kids Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…
July 17, 2020
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 12, 2020
Doctors discuss COVID-19 and what they have learned
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
“What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?”
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
July 9, 2020
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…
How do we know who to trust?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
July 12, 2020
Doctors discuss COVID-19 and what they have learned
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
“What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?”
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
July 9, 2020
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci We really couldn’t have said it better… thanks, Dr. Fauci! You can trust us. We love facts. Link to original FB post
Doctors discuss COVID-19 and what they have learned
Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD. Link to original FB post
July 10, 2020
“What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?”
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
July 9, 2020
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD. Link to original FB post
“What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?”
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
July 9, 2020
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Why we can’t answer questions like “What’s my risk when I’m doing _____?” What is your risk when you’re doing _____? You may have noticed we won’t give you a straight answer to this question. Dr. Malia Jones chats about why. She shows the relationship between individual and community risk using her toy model COVID Read more…
Nerdy Guest chat with Dr. Valerie Paz-Soldan
Infection and Spread Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
We chat with Tulane professor, social scientist and public health researcher Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan about the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru. Charlamos con la Dra. Valerie Paz Soldan, profesora en la Universidad de Tulane, científica social e investigadora de salud pública, sobre la pandemia de COVID-19 en Perú See Less Link to original FB post
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
July 7, 2020
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
How to wash your hands for kids!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
How to wash your hands FOR KIDS! Dr. Aparna Kumar demonstrates how to wash hands effectively JUST FOR KIDS using glitter glue, glitter, and even more glitter!! Link to original FB post
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic
Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
June 30, 2020
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Those Nerdy Girls on the 6 month-iversary of the COVID-19 pandemic. A retrospective. Link to original FB post
Why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS!
Families/Kids Staying Safe Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
June 19, 2020
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Our own Dr. Aparna Kumar explains why & how to wear your mask FOR KIDS! And if we’re being honest, adults too. Link to original FB post
Housing Policy and the Pandemic
Social and Racial Justice Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
June 15, 2020
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic about housing policy & COVID-19. Links to additional reading on housing and inequality suggested by Dr. Lens at the end of the video: 1. Generation Priced Out (book) by Randy Shaw 2. The Color of Law (book) by Read more…
Maternal Mental Health Issues During COVID-19
Families/Kids Mental Health Videos
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
June 11, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD. Link to original FB post
COVID-19 Vaccine Development
Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
June 7, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
James H. Conway, MD, FAAP (Infectious disease pediatrician at UW-Madison) chats with Nerdy Girls Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger about vaccine development and the COVID-19 vaccine progress. Link to original FB post
Nerdy Girls Live 6/07/20
Families/Kids Social and Racial Justice Socializing Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
May 23, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
The safety of summer family activities, advice to BLM protesters, antibody testing, navigating shared child custody, and more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
Nerdy Girls Live 5/23/20
Families/Kids Infection and Spread Staying Safe Travel Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
April 29, 2020
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Surface transmission, evaluating risk levels for activities, flying vs. driving, seeing grandchildren, vaccines, misinformation and much more are discussed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH, and Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA. Link to original FB post
Nerdy Girls Live 4/20/20
Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
March 30, 2020
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
COVID-19 issues like daycare, herd immunity, vaccines, social circles, testing, and more are addressed by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH, Dr. Lindsey Leininger, PhD, Dr. Jenn Dowd, PhD, and Amanda M. Simanek, PhD, MPH. From Dear Pandemic FB Live Q&A on 4/20/20. Link to original FB post
Video on Exponential Growth and Epidemic
Data and Metrics Videos
Alison Buttenheim, PhD MBA, Co-founder & Advisor
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…
Hey COVID19 nerds. Here is another awesome Grant Sanderson YouTube video explaining exponential growth & epidemics. An excellent refresher if you haven’t seen this math for a while, and an equally lucid and accessible tutorial if, well, yeah. (Also, got a high schooler cooped up in the house? A timely 9-minute math lesson ready to Read more…