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Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college

Mental Health School Staying Safe Videos

Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have been affected by the pandemic, getting sent home and coming back for the college Read more…

Parenting and Women in Science

Families/Kids Videos

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, Read more…