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💥VACCINES WORK. While London-based Nerdy Girl Jenn nervously watches exponential case growth in the UK, some beams of light are coming through the mist ☀️. In fact, this picture just made my FRIDAY! Hospitalizations and deaths always lag behind COVID-19 cases. But even taking that into account, the trajectories for this “3rd wave” in the Read more…

Did the World Health Organization say kids should *not* get the COVID-19 vaccine?

Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines

A: No. The WHO said that where vaccine supplies are limited, vaccinating children is not a priority. Viral social media posts and some popular anti-vaccine channels did a great job this week spreading misinformation about the World Health Organization’s stance on vaccinating children with available COVID-19 vaccines. As is often the case with misinformation, it’s Read more…



The U.S. CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met today (June 23rd) to review evidence of rare reports of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) following mRNA vaccination. 💥 KEY TAKEAWAYS: Scientists determined there IS likely an association between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) in adolescents and young adults—meaning the observed rates Read more…

If the Delta variant is more transmissible, are normal precautions (masks, 6 foot distance, being outside) less effective?

COVID Variants Staying Safe Vaccines

A: Luckily, no. Virus mutations still don’t defy the laws of physics. But we need to be more vigilant about existing precautions, including getting BOTH doses of your vaccination. TL;DR: The new variants are transmitted the same way as all the other variants of SARS-CoV-2, so you can reduce risk by using your #SMARTS: ↔️ Read more…

If I got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, can I get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine if a booster shot is needed?


A: Most likely. In fact, this “mix and match” strategy can lead to a more robust immune response overall, because different vaccines often cause the body to generate an immune response targeted against SARS-CoV-2 in slightly different ways! TL; DR Vaccines work by showing our immune system a W.A.N.T.E.D. poster of the SARS-CoV-2 virus so Read more…