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Testing and Contact Tracing

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I can’t help but notice how well Maine is controlling COVID-19. What’s their secret? Rural state? Rich state? Not many older people?

Data and Metrics Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Nope to those three, but yes to leadership, preparation, testing & tracing, and calm, science-based communication. It’s true: Maine is doing very well by almost all metrics used to track the epidemic. While 21 states had their highest daily case counts in the last 3 weeks, Maine’s single day record cases happened way back Read more…

Why wasn’t a test-only strategy sufficient for preventing transmission of COVID-19 in the White House?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Testing individuals for COVID-19, while a necessary component of our public health strategy, doesn’t 100% prevent those who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 from transmitting the infection to others BEFORE they test positive. The type of testing strategy used by the White House was to screen individuals for COVID-19 using a rapid antigen-based test (i.e., Read more…

What do epidemiologists think about Joe Biden and Mike Pence (and other national leaders) testing negative for COVID on Friday?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: A negative test result does NOT mean that Mr. Pence and Mr. Biden are COVID-free… even if that happens to be really inconvenient for them. Everyone who has been near the President of the United States in the last week (or who has been around anyone else with COVID-19 for that matter) should self-quarantine Read more…

Can children spread COVID-19 in child care facilities (children 5 and under)?

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Reopening School Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

From our follower Question Box!! A: Yes, while we know that children are less likely to experience severe illness due to COVID-19, increasing evidence tells us that children can spread (transmit) the virus. But, it is not clear if they are more likely to do so than adults or if likelihood of transmission varies by Read more…

Seven Months In: What’s the State of the Science?

Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

Andrew Joseph, Helen Branswell, and Elizabeth Conney of StatNews have pulled together a tour-de-force synthesis of what science does – and does not – yet know about SARS-CoV-2 and its companion disease, COVID-19. A truly terrific read Some highlights: SPACE AND PLACE MATTER. A LOT. Transmission risk is greatly elevated in crowded indoor spaces with Read more…

I heard the NBA invented a new Covid saliva test? What’s up?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: It’s called SalivaDirect, and it was developed by researchers at the Yale School of Public Health with funding from the NBA. And it’s good news! On Saturday, the FDA granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the new test, which has some distinct advantages over the more common PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests currently Read more…

What’s up with this “programming error” in the Florida data on kids? How does this change things?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy Testing and Contact Tracing

A: TL;DR Whether the positivity rate is 14% or 30% for kids, Florida still has a COVID problem. And with respect to the data error, we need to have a little understanding. Public health departments are trying to do something very difficult on shoestring budgets. Data collection in a crisis is messy and sometimes we Read more…

How frequently should students in a college community get tested in order to prevent large COVID-19 outbreaks?

Reopening School Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Every 2 days, according to one recently-published model. Every 2 days!? Whaaaaah???? With hundreds of thousands of students around the country headed back to college campuses this month, COVID testing is something every college needs to plan for: Who, how, and how often? The “how often” question was answered last week in a study Read more…

What is the timeline from exposure to viral shedding to symptoms? When do people stop being contagious? When can I get out of quarantine? When is a PCR test accurate?

Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

For today’s #ThrowbackThursday, we revisit a post from May 4th about the timeline of infection. A: This timeline, which we adapted from several sources, visualizes the incubation period and infectious period (also called contagious period), along with the timeline for seeing symptoms, timing for a reliable PCR test, and the typical timeline to hospitalization and Read more…

When should I get tested?

Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

Introducing Nerdy Guest Ajay Sethi, PhD, MHS. Dr. Sethi is a leading infectious disease epidemiologist at UW-Madison’s School of Medicine and Public Health. (@AjayKSethi on Twitter!) ____________________________________________ Q: When should I get tested? When I’m sick? When I have specific symptoms? When I’m sick and not getting better after several days? When a family member Read more…

What is pool testing?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A: In simple terms, pool testing (also referred to as “group testing” or “batch testing”) combines many tests into one sample. The benefit is that it can facilitate an increase in testing capabilities as well as result in cost/resource savings (when supplies are low). This is not a new strategy to test individuals for infectious Read more…

How does contact tracing work again? With states reopening, how is that component of the test-trace-isolate strategy going so far?

Testing and Contact Tracing

A. Well…there are challenges. Contact tracing is a tried and true public health measure that’s been successfully used to contain other infectious diseases (e.g measles, HIV, food poisoning outbreaks, etc). Indeed, the CDC has indicated that it is a necessary precursor for easing lockdown restrictions. The uploaded graphic illustrates the steps in the process. However, Read more…

I don’t currently have any symptoms, but I want to visit older family members soon, so I went and got a PCR test for COVID-19 (i.e., the kind that detects *current* infection). My test came back negative, so I am in the clear, right?

Socializing Testing and Contact Tracing

A: Not necessarily. You should consider the possibility that you got a negative test result even though you are truly infected. After you are exposed to SARS-CoV-2, the amount of virus in your body builds up over time, reaching its highest level, right before symptom onset. It can take 2-14 days (average of 5-6) from Read more…

This Sunday, we wanted to answer a few questions and also give you a brief update on the news this week (pandemic related)!

Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

We also have a brief infographic for you that answers these questions. Read on if you want the full answers and links. And if you have time, test your COVID-19 knowledge and read a few great tips from therapists on how to cope during this pandemic. Quiz Therapy WHAT IF I KEEP TESTING POSITIVE FOR Read more…