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Staying Safe

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Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Masks Staying Safe Treatments Videos

Dr. Lindsey Leininger and Dr. Malia Jones tackle questions about COVID from readers in this live Facebook event. ➡️ Intro and (grim) state of the pandemic: :01 – 1:56 ➡️ Lightning round: 2:30 – 5:40 ➡️ Treatment update: 5:45 – 12:05 ➡️ Outdoor masking: 12:10 – 16:20 ➡️ Malia saves Halloween!: 17:00 – 23:00

Election season is in full swing, and the news is getting even more hectic!! How do I make sure my sources are accurate?!

Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: The COVID “infodemic” has made it harder than ever to cut through the noise, and election season absolutely adds to this challenge. The good news is that Lindsey’s Laws for news diligence that we’ve been using here at Dear Pandemic to fight misinformation can ALSO apply to the political news cycle! As we laid Read more…

Hand Sanitizer Quiz

Staying Safe

Hand sanitizer – a true 2020 must-have. But how much do we REALLY know about its benefits and dangers? Enter the FDA’s hand sanitizer IQ quiz! Let’s try our hand at a few questions. (Scroll to the bottom of the post for answers!) ❇️ T/F: Soap and water beats hand sanitizer at preventing the spread Read more…

What does the new study from last week add to our knowledge about surface transmission of SARS-CoV-2?

Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Staying Safe

Q: Do we need to wipe the groceries again? Thanks for this great question from Kat in LA and Katey in the UK. A: No need to return to grocery wiping, but wipe down your phone regularly and keep those hands clean. A new study released last week from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Read more…

Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Infection and Spread School Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation Videos Dr. Lindsey Leininger and Dr. Malia Jones answer your COVID questions! This week we tackle: ☑️ Reinfection (2:25 – 7:45) ☑️ Psychology of risky behavior (7:55 – 13:06) ☑️ Election-day poll volunteering (13:19 – 17:45) ☑️ Are schools superspreaders? (18:00 – 25:55) ☑️ It’s OK to donate blood! (26:03 – 27:30) Big thanks to Read more…

Where can I find information to share with clients/patients/friends/people in my life who do not speak English as a primary language?

Staying Safe

A: There are several organizations offering quick handouts, videos, and additional supports as needed related to COVID-19. Below we highlight a few, sourced from our network and our followers (thank you!). 1) State health departments in addition to the CDC website offer Web and printable information on COVID-19. Examples: –CDC Communication Toolkit –Greater New York Read more…

Q from Ellen from NYC: What do we do when college-age children come home at Thanksgiving? Should they come home?

Families/Kids Staying Safe Travel

A: “Come Home and Stay Home” or “Don’t Come Home” are your best options. Coming home just for the Thanksgiving holiday and then returning to campus is *not* a good plan. Thanks to Ellen for voicing a common concern. Back in August, the big question for college kids was how they could return to campus Read more…

How can I boost my immune system?

Biology/Immunity Staying Safe

A: Today we focus on the importance of sleep health as an evidence-based strategy for improving your immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic. ** Long-term sleep deficiency is associated with a range of co-morbidities (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia) that put you at higher susceptibility and more severe outcomes of COVID-19. You can reduce Read more…

Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe Videos

Dr. Simanek and Dr. Jones tackle follower questions in this not-quite-live Q&A session. We’re taking questions from Wisconsites about voting (:45), safety of hair salons (4:06), holding COVID safe funerals and other gatherings (10:32), close contacts vs. not close contacts (15:45), celebrating homecoming and other outdoor fall gatherings and events (25:01), and disease transmission patterns Read more…