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Mental Health

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Feeling the holiday blues?

Mental Health

💙 Everybody has the blues, sometimes. Almost 50% of us at this time of year, to be specific. The holiday week between 🎄 Christmas and 🎊 New Year’s Day can be a difficult one. Of course some of us have joyful feelings and good memories, but others feel lonely, sad, empty, or not physically well, Read more…

Is it normal to be extremely anxious six months after having a baby? Everyone tells me it will get better.

Mental Health Reproductive Health

A: Yes and no. Some adjustment is normal, but sudden changes in how you feel may be a sign that you are experiencing a mood or anxiety disorder in the perinatal period (sometimes called a PMAD). TL; DR: It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety, sadness, fatigue, irritability and other symptoms after you have Read more…

Survivor’s Guilt

Mental Health

Q: I have a family member who died of COVID-19 but I am still here. I feel grief, sadness, and overwhelm. I also feel guilty. What is this and what do I do? A: A lot of people are going through this right now. You aren’t alone. What you are experiencing is probably something called Read more…