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Mental Health

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What is crisis fatigue?

Mental Health

A: When life requires operating at “surge capacity” well beyond the initial surge. It’s bad for our brains and our bodies. Experts* recommend Three P’s to help cope: 1. Pick your battles wisely Put your energy into a few key priorities. Say “no” (or, if it’s helpful, “not yet”) to the peripheral. 2. Proactively seek Read more…

Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college

Mental Health School Staying Safe Videos

Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have been affected by the pandemic, getting sent home and coming back for the college Read more…

Hamilton Parody Video

Mental Health

Pandemic getting you down? Try these strategies to boost your mental health: – Mindfulness – Laughter – Hamilton parodies Link to original FB post

HELP! I’ve had COVID-19 and now I’m losing my hair! Are the two related?

Clinical Symptoms Mental Health

A. Frustratingly, yes. More and more COVID-19 survivors have reported excessive hair loss following infection. Although this complication may not rank up there with some of more serious consequences that have been reported among “long-haulers,” excessive hair loss is still pretty disconcerting. It also adds yet another source of distress, with impacts on morale and Read more…

How might the increased number of deaths in the world due to Covid-19 affect the people who are alive?

Mental Health

A: The ripples caused by Covid-19 deaths affect everyone. Losing a family member or loved one, particularly a member of your immediate family, can drastically impact the physical and mental wellbeing of survivors within that network and their communities. A recent study estimated that every individual who loses their life as a result of Covid-19 Read more…

Are there evidence-based tips for dealing with the uncertain state of ……everything?!

Mental Health Uncertainty and Misinformation

A: Our brains are wired to despise uncertainty. Cognitive scientists advise a COMPLY – CONSOLIDATE – CONSULT strategy to help cope. Context: During a pandemic – and this current one is clearly on brand – uncertainty reigns. As Drs. Geeta Menon and Ellie Kyung articulate in a recent Harvard Business Review article, it’s natural to Read more…

Is sex dead??

Mental Health

A: With the extra household duties, the zoom fatigue, the existential anxieties, the sadness all around us….it is no wonder that many of us may not be feeling remotely in the mood for sex. Whether you are partnered or not, COVID-19 can be an extremely isolating & lonely time. First of all, we know that Read more…

What can I do to continue to help the children in my life cope with the realities of the pandemic?

Families/Kids Mental Health Staying Safe

A: Provide children with a sense of control. Keep them informed. Get them engaged. The basic rules: 1. Answer children’s questions in a developmentally appropriate manner (using stories or play is a great way to do this for younger children). 2. Stick to routine and schedule (this is harder to do so many months into Read more…

How has the pandemic affected fathers?

Families/Kids Mental Health

Introducing Nerdy Guest Dr. Tova Walsh, PhD, MSW of UW-Madison School of Social Work. Dr. Walsh’s research focuses on improving health and wellbeing in families that are experiencing special stressors. Her work includes understanding the parenting support needs of new fathers and military-connected parents. A: Short answer: Like everyone else, dads have been through a Read more…

Nerdy Guest Amy Hammock Discusses Domestic Violence During COVID-19

Families/Kids Mental Health

Dear Pandemic is pleased to introduce our Nerdy Guest Amy Hammock, MSW, PhD (Assistant Professor of Social Welfare, Core Faculty in the Program in Public Health, Stony Brook University) to discuss domestic violence during COVID-19. Q: Has domestic violence increased during the COVID-19 stay-at-home policies? A: Domestic violence—both intimate partner violence and child abuse—is an Read more…

I live with a toddler. How can we all survive the summer together?

Families/Kids Mental Health Staying Safe

A: Pair the live-in-the-moment attitude of Dory with the caution and planning of Marlin from Finding Nemo. Toddlers thrive on attention and routines. Unfortunately, Covid-19 has added more to the plates of adults while altering most daily routines. You can and will get through this! Here are a few suggestions inspired by your questions: Safety Read more…