Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! Read the full post here Link to original FB post
May 1, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 22, 2021
How long does immunity last after recovery from COVID-19?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A: Immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 appears to last *at least* 8 months. 👉 TL;DR: While individual immunity levels varied, so far antibodies and immune cells specific for SARS-CoV-2 were detected up to 8 months later in 95% of patients who recovered from COVID19. 👍🏽Immunity to infection: The immune system retains memory of a virus after Read more…
April 6, 2021
What do we know about the COVID-19 vaccines in people who are immunosuppressed?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. While data on the relative effectiveness in these groups is still limited, COVID-19 vaccines are safe for immunosuppressed people and help protect against severe COVID-19 disease. TL;DR: ➡️ None of the vaccines contain live virus and cannot cause infection. ➡️ Even if immune response is lower in the immunosuppressed, the vaccine will induce some Read more…
April 5, 2021
How long will the protection from vaccines last?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How long will the protection from vaccines last? I just got my vaccine (yay!), when will I be at risk again? A: Still TBD, but Pfizer just released data showing high protection for UP TO 6 months. ⚠️ NOTE: This does NOT mean ONLY 6 months, it means….AT LEAST 6 months! Most scientists believe Read more…
March 29, 2021
Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! As more people become eligible for the COVID-19, we’ve heard some Read more…
March 24, 2021
Why is Covid-19 less risky and less severe in children than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids
Michelle Kinder, PhD
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
March 20, 2021
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! Read the full post here Link to original FB post
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Socializing Staying Safe Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
April 22, 2021
How long does immunity last after recovery from COVID-19?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A: Immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 appears to last *at least* 8 months. 👉 TL;DR: While individual immunity levels varied, so far antibodies and immune cells specific for SARS-CoV-2 were detected up to 8 months later in 95% of patients who recovered from COVID19. 👍🏽Immunity to infection: The immune system retains memory of a virus after Read more…
April 6, 2021
What do we know about the COVID-19 vaccines in people who are immunosuppressed?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. While data on the relative effectiveness in these groups is still limited, COVID-19 vaccines are safe for immunosuppressed people and help protect against severe COVID-19 disease. TL;DR: ➡️ None of the vaccines contain live virus and cannot cause infection. ➡️ Even if immune response is lower in the immunosuppressed, the vaccine will induce some Read more…
April 5, 2021
How long will the protection from vaccines last?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How long will the protection from vaccines last? I just got my vaccine (yay!), when will I be at risk again? A: Still TBD, but Pfizer just released data showing high protection for UP TO 6 months. ⚠️ NOTE: This does NOT mean ONLY 6 months, it means….AT LEAST 6 months! Most scientists believe Read more…
March 29, 2021
Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! As more people become eligible for the COVID-19, we’ve heard some Read more…
March 24, 2021
Why is Covid-19 less risky and less severe in children than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids
Michelle Kinder, PhD
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
March 20, 2021
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
Dear Pandemic’s contributors Drs. Michelle Kinder, Aparna Kumar, and Malia Jones will be taking questions submitted by kids on this weeks’ Live event! We’ll be talking about bats, masks, nanometers, and so much more. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and our kids’ Favorite Books (0:00-2:42) ➡️ Greta from Camp Hill, PA asks: Why do you need the Read more…
How long does immunity last after recovery from COVID-19?
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A: Immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 appears to last *at least* 8 months. 👉 TL;DR: While individual immunity levels varied, so far antibodies and immune cells specific for SARS-CoV-2 were detected up to 8 months later in 95% of patients who recovered from COVID19. 👍🏽Immunity to infection: The immune system retains memory of a virus after Read more…
April 6, 2021
What do we know about the COVID-19 vaccines in people who are immunosuppressed?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. While data on the relative effectiveness in these groups is still limited, COVID-19 vaccines are safe for immunosuppressed people and help protect against severe COVID-19 disease. TL;DR: ➡️ None of the vaccines contain live virus and cannot cause infection. ➡️ Even if immune response is lower in the immunosuppressed, the vaccine will induce some Read more…
April 5, 2021
How long will the protection from vaccines last?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How long will the protection from vaccines last? I just got my vaccine (yay!), when will I be at risk again? A: Still TBD, but Pfizer just released data showing high protection for UP TO 6 months. ⚠️ NOTE: This does NOT mean ONLY 6 months, it means….AT LEAST 6 months! Most scientists believe Read more…
March 29, 2021
Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! As more people become eligible for the COVID-19, we’ve heard some Read more…
March 24, 2021
Why is Covid-19 less risky and less severe in children than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids
Michelle Kinder, PhD
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
March 20, 2021
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: Immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 appears to last *at least* 8 months. 👉 TL;DR: While individual immunity levels varied, so far antibodies and immune cells specific for SARS-CoV-2 were detected up to 8 months later in 95% of patients who recovered from COVID19. 👍🏽Immunity to infection: The immune system retains memory of a virus after Read more…
What do we know about the COVID-19 vaccines in people who are immunosuppressed?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. While data on the relative effectiveness in these groups is still limited, COVID-19 vaccines are safe for immunosuppressed people and help protect against severe COVID-19 disease. TL;DR: ➡️ None of the vaccines contain live virus and cannot cause infection. ➡️ Even if immune response is lower in the immunosuppressed, the vaccine will induce some Read more…
April 5, 2021
How long will the protection from vaccines last?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How long will the protection from vaccines last? I just got my vaccine (yay!), when will I be at risk again? A: Still TBD, but Pfizer just released data showing high protection for UP TO 6 months. ⚠️ NOTE: This does NOT mean ONLY 6 months, it means….AT LEAST 6 months! Most scientists believe Read more…
March 29, 2021
Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! As more people become eligible for the COVID-19, we’ve heard some Read more…
March 24, 2021
Why is Covid-19 less risky and less severe in children than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids
Michelle Kinder, PhD
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
March 20, 2021
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A. While data on the relative effectiveness in these groups is still limited, COVID-19 vaccines are safe for immunosuppressed people and help protect against severe COVID-19 disease. TL;DR: ➡️ None of the vaccines contain live virus and cannot cause infection. ➡️ Even if immune response is lower in the immunosuppressed, the vaccine will induce some Read more…
How long will the protection from vaccines last?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How long will the protection from vaccines last? I just got my vaccine (yay!), when will I be at risk again? A: Still TBD, but Pfizer just released data showing high protection for UP TO 6 months. ⚠️ NOTE: This does NOT mean ONLY 6 months, it means….AT LEAST 6 months! Most scientists believe Read more…
March 29, 2021
Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! As more people become eligible for the COVID-19, we’ve heard some Read more…
March 24, 2021
Why is Covid-19 less risky and less severe in children than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids
Michelle Kinder, PhD
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
March 20, 2021
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
Q: How long will the protection from vaccines last? I just got my vaccine (yay!), when will I be at risk again? A: Still TBD, but Pfizer just released data showing high protection for UP TO 6 months. ⚠️ NOTE: This does NOT mean ONLY 6 months, it means….AT LEAST 6 months! Most scientists believe Read more…
Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! As more people become eligible for the COVID-19, we’ve heard some Read more…
March 24, 2021
Why is Covid-19 less risky and less severe in children than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids
Michelle Kinder, PhD
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
March 20, 2021
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
Q: Do I need the vaccine if I’ve already been infected with COVID-19? Isn’t natural immunity better? A: Vaccines produce STRONGER and MORE CONSISTENT antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 than natural infection, meaning EVERYONE can benefit from the protection. 💥 Don’t give away your shot! As more people become eligible for the COVID-19, we’ve heard some Read more…
Why is Covid-19 less risky and less severe in children than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids
Michelle Kinder, PhD
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
March 20, 2021
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: The SARS-CoV2 virus that causes COVID-19 gets into your body using a protein door on your cells called ACE2. Children have less ACE2 than adults so the virus has a harder time getting into children’s bodies than adult bodies. There are other reasons why children are more protected than adults. Older adults can have Read more…
When we need a booster for the new variants, will we need to have the same company’s vaccine as our first?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
February 26, 2021
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: If booster shots or vaccines adapted to new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus become necessary, it is likely they will be able to be used by those originally vaccinated with a different type of vaccine. This strategy might even have added benefits! While it is currently not recommended that we mix and match COVID-19 Read more…
What is the difference between antibodies from vaccination and antibodies from having had COVID-19?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Michelle Kinder, PhD
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
February 22, 2021
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
Q: Is there a difference between the antibodies you develop from the vaccination and the antibodies you develop from having Covid19? Is there a reason that antibody tests aren’t a good indicator of whether the vaccine was effective for you. A: Antibodies developed from having from COVID-19 recognize different parts of the virus while antibodies Read more…
Do people who’ve already had COVID-19 need BOTH doses of the vaccine?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
January 23, 2021
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: Possibly not. One shot may work as an effective booster in those previously infected. Given the large number of people who have been infected by SARS-COV-2 in many countries and the continued scarcity of vaccine doses, understanding the impact of the vaccines on the immunity of those previously infected is an important question. Several Read more…
Is there a timeline for vaccinations for children? Do the “herd immunity” projections include children?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
January 11, 2021
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: Trials for children 12+ are currently in progress for both the Moderna (ages 12-17; still enrolling!) and Pfizer (ages 12-15; done enrolling!) vaccines with the most optimistic timeline for vaccine approval in kids 12+ by the start of the 2021 school year. Children will need to be vaccinated for us to achieve herd immunity, Read more…
What new information do we have about the B.1.1.7 variant?
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
January 2, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: This is an evolving situation. Actions today could result in great success or tragic loss. Key take aways— B.1.1.7 is in the US. Growing evidence suggests the B.1.1.7 variant spreads more easily than previous variants. New evidence supports the hypothesis that current vaccines are effective against B.1.1.7. Early efforts to contain B.1.1.7 buys time Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
December 28, 2020
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
In this live Q&A, Drs. Malia Jones & Amanda Simanek will be tackling pandemic questions from our readers. We’ll take questions about the “mutant strain”, which vaccine is best, that rumor about asymptomatic transmission being a phantom, and what we know (and don’t) about whether someone can still spread COVID after being vaccinated. ➡️ Welcome Read more…
What is all the fuss about the “mutant” strain of SARS-CoV-2 in England?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
December 18, 2020
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: The variant of concern VOC 202012/01 also known as the B.1.1.7 lineage accumulated many mutations in a short period of time and may spread more quickly than other strains. Researchers have located three specific mutations that may allow for increased transmission in this variant with continued study expected. It is likely the vaccine will Read more…
Is the SARS-CoV-2 virus mutating and should I be concerned?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
December 7, 2020
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: Yes, many variants of SARS-CoV-2 exist which is normal virus behavior. The changes noted to date warrant continued study, though should not cause alarm. Scientists study virus mutations to: 1) understand the family tree of virus strains 2) examine changes that could alter transmission and/or disease severity 3) examine changes that could alter the Read more…
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED)?
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…
A: It’s possible. #MaskUptoGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. This eyebrow raising headline made the rounds recently based on comments during a television interview by Dr. Dena Read more…