Why do children have less severe COVID-19 than adults?
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A: A better innate immune response may explain milder COVID-19 disease in kids, but they still CAN and DO get infected and transmit SARS-CoV-2, especially the more transmissible Delta variant. 👉🏽 TL;DR. Children have fewer ACE2 receptors, a more robust innate immune system, and produce more anti-viral proteins (like type 1 interferons) than adults. These Read more…
September 6, 2021
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 3, 2021
How does a COVID-19 vaccine work in the body?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Vaccines show your body how to fight a virus without actually making you sick from the virus. Here is how this works (inspired by this fun explainer) 🦠SARS-CoV-2 (aka the virus that causes COVID-19) is a round little thing with spikes coming out of it. ⛏️ The spikes help the virus stick to Read more…
August 26, 2021
How and why do viruses mutate?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
Q: What does this mean for future SARS-CoV-2 variants? A: After infection, the virus makes lots of copies of itself in the body which can lead to random changes (like typos) in the virus’ genetic code (mutations). While most mutations give no advantage to the virus, with enough chances for mutations, sometimes the virus hits Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 4, 2021
How does natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection differ from immunity generated by COVID-19 vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. COVID-19 vaccines induce higher levels and a broader range of neutralizing antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein than does natural infection. Vaccine-induced antibodies are less likely to be affected by changes in the RBD seen in the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, and are therefore more likely to be more effective Read more…
July 19, 2021
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
June 18, 2021
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A: A better innate immune response may explain milder COVID-19 disease in kids, but they still CAN and DO get infected and transmit SARS-CoV-2, especially the more transmissible Delta variant. 👉🏽 TL;DR. Children have fewer ACE2 receptors, a more robust innate immune system, and produce more anti-viral proteins (like type 1 interferons) than adults. These Read more…
Is immunity from natural COVID infection “better” than vaccine immunity?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
September 3, 2021
How does a COVID-19 vaccine work in the body?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Vaccines show your body how to fight a virus without actually making you sick from the virus. Here is how this works (inspired by this fun explainer) 🦠SARS-CoV-2 (aka the virus that causes COVID-19) is a round little thing with spikes coming out of it. ⛏️ The spikes help the virus stick to Read more…
August 26, 2021
How and why do viruses mutate?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
Q: What does this mean for future SARS-CoV-2 variants? A: After infection, the virus makes lots of copies of itself in the body which can lead to random changes (like typos) in the virus’ genetic code (mutations). While most mutations give no advantage to the virus, with enough chances for mutations, sometimes the virus hits Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 4, 2021
How does natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection differ from immunity generated by COVID-19 vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. COVID-19 vaccines induce higher levels and a broader range of neutralizing antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein than does natural infection. Vaccine-induced antibodies are less likely to be affected by changes in the RBD seen in the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, and are therefore more likely to be more effective Read more…
July 19, 2021
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
June 18, 2021
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A: No. Getting vaccinated is by far the safest way to develop immunity to SARS-CoV-2. If you’ve already been infected, getting vaccinated still provides you with the best protection-in fact likely *better* than either previous infection or the vaccine alone. A recent study from Israel created waves with findings that people with previous COVID-19 infection Read more…
How does a COVID-19 vaccine work in the body?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
A: Vaccines show your body how to fight a virus without actually making you sick from the virus. Here is how this works (inspired by this fun explainer) 🦠SARS-CoV-2 (aka the virus that causes COVID-19) is a round little thing with spikes coming out of it. ⛏️ The spikes help the virus stick to Read more…
August 26, 2021
How and why do viruses mutate?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
Q: What does this mean for future SARS-CoV-2 variants? A: After infection, the virus makes lots of copies of itself in the body which can lead to random changes (like typos) in the virus’ genetic code (mutations). While most mutations give no advantage to the virus, with enough chances for mutations, sometimes the virus hits Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 4, 2021
How does natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection differ from immunity generated by COVID-19 vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. COVID-19 vaccines induce higher levels and a broader range of neutralizing antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein than does natural infection. Vaccine-induced antibodies are less likely to be affected by changes in the RBD seen in the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, and are therefore more likely to be more effective Read more…
July 19, 2021
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
June 18, 2021
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A: Vaccines show your body how to fight a virus without actually making you sick from the virus. Here is how this works (inspired by this fun explainer) 🦠SARS-CoV-2 (aka the virus that causes COVID-19) is a round little thing with spikes coming out of it. ⛏️ The spikes help the virus stick to Read more…
How and why do viruses mutate?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
Q: What does this mean for future SARS-CoV-2 variants? A: After infection, the virus makes lots of copies of itself in the body which can lead to random changes (like typos) in the virus’ genetic code (mutations). While most mutations give no advantage to the virus, with enough chances for mutations, sometimes the virus hits Read more…
August 10, 2021
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 4, 2021
How does natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection differ from immunity generated by COVID-19 vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. COVID-19 vaccines induce higher levels and a broader range of neutralizing antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein than does natural infection. Vaccine-induced antibodies are less likely to be affected by changes in the RBD seen in the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, and are therefore more likely to be more effective Read more…
July 19, 2021
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
June 18, 2021
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
Q: What does this mean for future SARS-CoV-2 variants? A: After infection, the virus makes lots of copies of itself in the body which can lead to random changes (like typos) in the virus’ genetic code (mutations). While most mutations give no advantage to the virus, with enough chances for mutations, sometimes the virus hits Read more…
Will the COVID-19 vaccines encourage the emergence of new variants or immune evasion?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
August 4, 2021
How does natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection differ from immunity generated by COVID-19 vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. COVID-19 vaccines induce higher levels and a broader range of neutralizing antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein than does natural infection. Vaccine-induced antibodies are less likely to be affected by changes in the RBD seen in the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, and are therefore more likely to be more effective Read more…
July 19, 2021
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
June 18, 2021
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A: No. Vaccines REDUCE opportunities for viral replication needed for variants to emerge. ➡️ TL;DR: The virus has more opportunity to replicate in unvaccinated populations, creating a FAR bigger risk for the development of SARS-CoV-2 mutations. Even so, the good news is that the emergence of variants that fully evade vaccine induced immunity is considered Read more…
How does natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 infection differ from immunity generated by COVID-19 vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. COVID-19 vaccines induce higher levels and a broader range of neutralizing antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein than does natural infection. Vaccine-induced antibodies are less likely to be affected by changes in the RBD seen in the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, and are therefore more likely to be more effective Read more…
July 19, 2021
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
June 18, 2021
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A. COVID-19 vaccines induce higher levels and a broader range of neutralizing antibodies to the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein than does natural infection. Vaccine-induced antibodies are less likely to be affected by changes in the RBD seen in the current SARS-CoV-2 variants, and are therefore more likely to be more effective Read more…
Why might Delta be more transmissible?
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
June 18, 2021
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A: In the words of virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen, “people infected with Delta are shedding a s**t-ton more virus than with earlier variants.” A newly released study has provided some clues to Delta’s transmissibility tricks by testing viral loads in quarantined close contacts of confirmed cases. Contacts were tested daily by PCR, and the course Read more…
Can COVID-19 vaccines alter or weaken my existing immune response against other viruses?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Vijaya Knight, MD PhD (D)ABMLI
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
June 7, 2021
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A. No. COVID-19 vaccines do not affect existing immune cells or antibodies that you have made against other viruses. Nor will it prevent you from making an immune response to another virus when you encounter it. 👉 TL;DR: Our immune system is designed for IMMENSE flexibility to be able to respond to thousands of pathogens Read more…
WHO announces new names for SARS-CoV-2 variants
Biology/Immunity COVID Variants
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
June 3, 2021
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
A: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
May 26, 2021
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
May 24, 2021
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
Let’s face it: B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 don’t easily roll off the tongue. While naming variants after the place they were first identified is common in virology, during the pandemic there has been concern about stigmatizing particular countries when using these names in public discussions. The WHO has adopted a new Greek alphabet naming system to Read more…
What is gene therapy? How is it different from vaccines?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and Misinformation VaccinesA: Gene therapies treat diseases using genetic tools. They usually work by making lasting changes to your DNA — the genetic “cookbook” that provides instructions to make you. Vaccines, by contrast, deliver a short-lived signal (e.g. a burst of protein), then disappear. Vaccines and gene therapies both use customized genetic tools to achieve their goals. Read more…
Did a “lab leak” start the COVID-19 pandemic?
Biology/Immunity Uncertainty and MisinformationA: The origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being unraveled. The leading theory is that SARS-CoV-2 jumped naturally from bats to humans (possibly through an intermediate species), as other viruses have done for ages. The lab-leak theory – an accidental spill from a research lab – is the underdog. It’s far less likely but Read more…
Can COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction (ED) or affect sperm? (Updated 5/24/21)
Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
May 22, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
A: It’s possible. #VaxUpToGetItUp TL;DR: Due to its impact on inflammation and the vascular system, it is biologically plausible that COVID-19 contributes to erectile dysfunction. But as with much COVID-19 research more, ahem, hard data is needed. COVID-19 infection HAS been associated with a reduction in sperm counts in early research. A recent study found Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
May 15, 2021
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
Malia Jones will be live with Dear Pandemic contributor Dr. Chana Davis! Dr. Davis is a geneticist by training and has experience in cancer research, personalized medicine, and nutrition. She’s also the author of Fueled by Science, a blog and podcast. We’ll be talking about mix-and-match vaccines, origins of the COVID-19 virus, and more! ➡️ Read more…
Herd Immunity – Are we there yet?
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
May 15, 2021
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
We’re getting more and more questions about herd immunity–are we there yet?! Your own nerdy girl Dr. Malia Jones published an essay on Slate.com this week that’s all about herd immunity, and we know you’ll want to check it out! Three points to take home: 1. Herd immunity is a policy goal, not a light Read more…
Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A
Biology/Immunity Families/Kids Vaccines Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…
Malia Jones of Dear Pandemic and Alison Bernstein of Mommy, PhD and SciMoms are teaming up to talk blood donations, CDC mask guidance, kids’ vaccines, and herd immunity. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:58) ➡️ Will blood donation after vaccination lessen my immunity or provide immunity to the person receiving my blood? (2:00-3:30) ➡️ Read more…