April 2, 2022
La pregunta que muchos nos estamos haciendo … ¿debería dejar de usar mascarilla??
Posts en Español Staying Safe
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
Si bien nos ENCANTARÍA ofrecer una conclusión sobre si es una opción segura descontinuar el uso de las mascarillas, recuerde que no hay resoluciones definitivas. El uso de la mascarilla es una decisión que oscila en la escala de la percepción del riesgo, es decir, la dimensión que le haga sentir “más protegido” o “mejor Read more…
April 2, 2022
Is there any easy way to determine whether and for how long I need to isolate or quarantine?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes! The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just released a handy on-line calculator! Enter answers to a few short questions into the calculator here and get an estimate of the date you can stop isolating if you have COVID-19 or quarantining if you were exposed to someone who does! The calculator takes Read more…
Si bien nos ENCANTARÍA ofrecer una conclusión sobre si es una opción segura descontinuar el uso de las mascarillas, recuerde que no hay resoluciones definitivas. El uso de la mascarilla es una decisión que oscila en la escala de la percepción del riesgo, es decir, la dimensión que le haga sentir “más protegido” o “mejor Read more…
April 2, 2022
Is there any easy way to determine whether and for how long I need to isolate or quarantine?
Infection and Spread Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Yes! The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just released a handy on-line calculator! Enter answers to a few short questions into the calculator here and get an estimate of the date you can stop isolating if you have COVID-19 or quarantining if you were exposed to someone who does! The calculator takes Read more…
A: Yes! The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just released a handy on-line calculator! Enter answers to a few short questions into the calculator here and get an estimate of the date you can stop isolating if you have COVID-19 or quarantining if you were exposed to someone who does! The calculator takes Read more…