March 14, 2022
Dear Pandemic Origin Story Revisited
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
This week, to commemorate two years of the magical collaboration that is Dear Pandemic, we’ll be re-sharing some posts from back in the day… back when we thought we would sunset this project by August 2020 at the latest. Back when the best data we had was coming off of the #DiamondPrincess. Back when we Read more…
March 14, 2022
SO many reflections on the TWO YEAR anniversary of Dear Pandemic from Those Nerdy Girls.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
In a moment of crisis, a team of female scientists built and sustained a public health communication platform while maintaining their day jobs and tending to family and friends during a global pandemic. We have written over 2,000 posts and connected with over 200,000 followers. We have done this all with a volunteer staff for Read more…
This week, to commemorate two years of the magical collaboration that is Dear Pandemic, we’ll be re-sharing some posts from back in the day… back when we thought we would sunset this project by August 2020 at the latest. Back when the best data we had was coming off of the #DiamondPrincess. Back when we Read more…
March 14, 2022
SO many reflections on the TWO YEAR anniversary of Dear Pandemic from Those Nerdy Girls.
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
In a moment of crisis, a team of female scientists built and sustained a public health communication platform while maintaining their day jobs and tending to family and friends during a global pandemic. We have written over 2,000 posts and connected with over 200,000 followers. We have done this all with a volunteer staff for Read more…
In a moment of crisis, a team of female scientists built and sustained a public health communication platform while maintaining their day jobs and tending to family and friends during a global pandemic. We have written over 2,000 posts and connected with over 200,000 followers. We have done this all with a volunteer staff for Read more…