CDC recommends the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents age 12-15!
Families/Kids VaccinesSarah Whitley Coles, MD
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (@CDC) is recommending the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for all adolescents age 12-15 following the May12th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Big picture: The vaccine is safe and effective for these kids and clinicians are raring to start giving the vaccine to this age Read more…
May 13, 2021
Por que mi hijo de 12 a 15 años debe recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Families/Kids Posts en Español Uncategorized Vaccines
Sandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Ayer mismo los EE.UU. aprobaron la vacuna Pfizer para uso de emergencia en adolescentes de 12 años o más. Esta es una guía creada por nuestros colaboradores médicos Impact para ayudarlos a decidir si sus hijos deben recibir la vacuna. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
May 13, 2021
What is going on in India with the second wave of COVID-19?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: India’s second wave of COVID-19 has come as a surprise to the world since the country was doing so well managing the pandemic. However, various conditions have created a perfect storm. Daily deaths are on the rise. There are not enough crematoriums to handle those who have died. A shortage of supplies, health care Read more…
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (@CDC) is recommending the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for all adolescents age 12-15 following the May12th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Big picture: The vaccine is safe and effective for these kids and clinicians are raring to start giving the vaccine to this age Read more…
Por que mi hijo de 12 a 15 años debe recibir la vacuna COVID-19?
Families/Kids Posts en Español Uncategorized VaccinesSandra Albrecht, PhD MPH
Ayer mismo los EE.UU. aprobaron la vacuna Pfizer para uso de emergencia en adolescentes de 12 años o más. Esta es una guía creada por nuestros colaboradores médicos Impact para ayudarlos a decidir si sus hijos deben recibir la vacuna. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
May 13, 2021
What is going on in India with the second wave of COVID-19?
Infection and Spread
Verdena Jennings, DO
A: India’s second wave of COVID-19 has come as a surprise to the world since the country was doing so well managing the pandemic. However, various conditions have created a perfect storm. Daily deaths are on the rise. There are not enough crematoriums to handle those who have died. A shortage of supplies, health care Read more…
Ayer mismo los EE.UU. aprobaron la vacuna Pfizer para uso de emergencia en adolescentes de 12 años o más. Esta es una guía creada por nuestros colaboradores médicos Impact para ayudarlos a decidir si sus hijos deben recibir la vacuna. Enlace a la publicación original de Facebook
What is going on in India with the second wave of COVID-19?
Infection and SpreadVerdena Jennings, DO
A: India’s second wave of COVID-19 has come as a surprise to the world since the country was doing so well managing the pandemic. However, various conditions have created a perfect storm. Daily deaths are on the rise. There are not enough crematoriums to handle those who have died. A shortage of supplies, health care Read more…
A: India’s second wave of COVID-19 has come as a surprise to the world since the country was doing so well managing the pandemic. However, various conditions have created a perfect storm. Daily deaths are on the rise. There are not enough crematoriums to handle those who have died. A shortage of supplies, health care Read more…