When should I get my updated COVID vaccine if I’ve had a recent COVID-19 infection?

Infectious Diseases Vaccines

❓What if I’ve had a recent COVID-19 infection? When should I get my updated COVID vaccine?

Hi, I’m Nerdy Girl Chana (Fueled by Science), and I wanted to talk to you about timing your COVID shot 💉this fall because we’ve gotten a lot of questions about this.

One of the common questions is “What if I’ve been previously infected? When should I get my fall jab?”
And the answer is between three and six months. That’s what most experts are recommending.

It is safe to get your shot sooner than that as long as you’re recovered from COVID infection, but there are benefits, because you can get a little bit better and more robust, longer lasting immune response if you wait longer.

So, where you are on three months versus six months is kind of a personal decision that depends on your risk profile. If you’re high risk, you probably want to choose more like three months after your infection because you don’t want to be catching COVID while you’re waiting. Whereas if you’re low risk, you can wait six months and then at the end of that period, you’ll probably have a better immune response that had you gotten it sooner.

I hope this helps!

You can also check out our recent post “Updated COVID vaccines are now FDA and CDC approved and available soon in the US!”

🫶 Stay safe. Stay well!

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