How do I help prepare my child for the COVID-19 vaccine?
Families/Kids Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
The COVID-19 vaccine is almost here for children age 5 and up! How do I help prepare my child for the vaccine? A: Hooray! An FDA advisory panel has recommended the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children age 5 to 11 and the US will hopefully see final authorization from the CDC and FDA next week. Read more…
October 26, 2021
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration meets to discuss KIDS vaccines TODAY (October 26th)!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TODAY IS THE DAY! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration meets to discuss KIDS vaccines TODAY (October 26th)! The FDA released summary documents ahead of today’s VRBAC meeting which foreshadowed their assessment of the current evidence for vaccinating 5-11-year-olds. ➡️ TL;DR: The FDA estimates that vaccine benefits “clearly outweigh” the risks for this age group. Read more…
October 25, 2021
Can I take an antibody test to see if I need a booster shot?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Unfortunately, no. TL;DR: 💥Our current antibody tests can’t tell us how well someone is protected from COVID-19 infection or disease. Whether you have been previously infected, vaccinated, or a combination of the two, the recent authorization of booster shots in many countries has people wondering if they need one yet. While it would be Read more…
October 23, 2021
The news many in the U.S. were waiting for…this week ACIP and the CDC authorized booster shots for eligible Moderna and Johnson & Johnson recipients. Highlights: ➡️ Booster recommended for *ALL* Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine recipients at least two months past their shot. ➡️ MIX AND MATCH AUTHORIZED!! Everyone, including J&J recipients, can choose Read more…
October 22, 2021
Is your social media use out of control?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
➡️ Here are a few tips to 🛠️tune up🛠️ your use and use the power of social media to make you feel 🌈 good. 🦋 1. HAVE A PURPOSE in using social media. 🗓️ Think about what information you are seeking out and what platforms you are going to use. Make a plan and stick Read more…
October 21, 2021
I heard that doctors and hospitals are falsely claiming that both admissions and deaths are due to COVID-19 to make more money. Is that true?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: No. Healthcare professionals and hospitals are not inflating the numbers of COVID-19 cases to make more money. If anything, the number of cases and deaths are undercounted. Many hospitals lost money during the pandemic. Sadly, the rumor that clinicians and hospitals are inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases to make more money Read more…
October 20, 2021
How can I inquire about indoor air quality at my workplace and my child’s school?
Infection and Spread
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Two priorities: ventilation and filtration. See six key diligence questions below. First, two definitions for those who might want a “refresher” (ha ha…pun intended ;)) ➡️ VENTILATION – the provision of *fresh air* to indoor spaces; and ➡️ FILTRATION – the removal of disease-causing particles from indoor air Now onto the six key questions….. Read more…
October 19, 2021
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of General Colin Powell from COVID-19.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
The COVID-19 vaccine is almost here for children age 5 and up! How do I help prepare my child for the vaccine? A: Hooray! An FDA advisory panel has recommended the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children age 5 to 11 and the US will hopefully see final authorization from the CDC and FDA next week. Read more…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration meets to discuss KIDS vaccines TODAY (October 26th)!
Families/Kids Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
TODAY IS THE DAY! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration meets to discuss KIDS vaccines TODAY (October 26th)! The FDA released summary documents ahead of today’s VRBAC meeting which foreshadowed their assessment of the current evidence for vaccinating 5-11-year-olds. ➡️ TL;DR: The FDA estimates that vaccine benefits “clearly outweigh” the risks for this age group. Read more…
October 25, 2021
Can I take an antibody test to see if I need a booster shot?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Unfortunately, no. TL;DR: 💥Our current antibody tests can’t tell us how well someone is protected from COVID-19 infection or disease. Whether you have been previously infected, vaccinated, or a combination of the two, the recent authorization of booster shots in many countries has people wondering if they need one yet. While it would be Read more…
October 23, 2021
The news many in the U.S. were waiting for…this week ACIP and the CDC authorized booster shots for eligible Moderna and Johnson & Johnson recipients. Highlights: ➡️ Booster recommended for *ALL* Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine recipients at least two months past their shot. ➡️ MIX AND MATCH AUTHORIZED!! Everyone, including J&J recipients, can choose Read more…
October 22, 2021
Is your social media use out of control?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
➡️ Here are a few tips to 🛠️tune up🛠️ your use and use the power of social media to make you feel 🌈 good. 🦋 1. HAVE A PURPOSE in using social media. 🗓️ Think about what information you are seeking out and what platforms you are going to use. Make a plan and stick Read more…
October 21, 2021
I heard that doctors and hospitals are falsely claiming that both admissions and deaths are due to COVID-19 to make more money. Is that true?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: No. Healthcare professionals and hospitals are not inflating the numbers of COVID-19 cases to make more money. If anything, the number of cases and deaths are undercounted. Many hospitals lost money during the pandemic. Sadly, the rumor that clinicians and hospitals are inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases to make more money Read more…
October 20, 2021
How can I inquire about indoor air quality at my workplace and my child’s school?
Infection and Spread
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Two priorities: ventilation and filtration. See six key diligence questions below. First, two definitions for those who might want a “refresher” (ha ha…pun intended ;)) ➡️ VENTILATION – the provision of *fresh air* to indoor spaces; and ➡️ FILTRATION – the removal of disease-causing particles from indoor air Now onto the six key questions….. Read more…
October 19, 2021
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of General Colin Powell from COVID-19.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
TODAY IS THE DAY! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration meets to discuss KIDS vaccines TODAY (October 26th)! The FDA released summary documents ahead of today’s VRBAC meeting which foreshadowed their assessment of the current evidence for vaccinating 5-11-year-olds. ➡️ TL;DR: The FDA estimates that vaccine benefits “clearly outweigh” the risks for this age group. Read more…
Can I take an antibody test to see if I need a booster shot?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Unfortunately, no. TL;DR: 💥Our current antibody tests can’t tell us how well someone is protected from COVID-19 infection or disease. Whether you have been previously infected, vaccinated, or a combination of the two, the recent authorization of booster shots in many countries has people wondering if they need one yet. While it would be Read more…
October 23, 2021
The news many in the U.S. were waiting for…this week ACIP and the CDC authorized booster shots for eligible Moderna and Johnson & Johnson recipients. Highlights: ➡️ Booster recommended for *ALL* Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine recipients at least two months past their shot. ➡️ MIX AND MATCH AUTHORIZED!! Everyone, including J&J recipients, can choose Read more…
October 22, 2021
Is your social media use out of control?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
➡️ Here are a few tips to 🛠️tune up🛠️ your use and use the power of social media to make you feel 🌈 good. 🦋 1. HAVE A PURPOSE in using social media. 🗓️ Think about what information you are seeking out and what platforms you are going to use. Make a plan and stick Read more…
October 21, 2021
I heard that doctors and hospitals are falsely claiming that both admissions and deaths are due to COVID-19 to make more money. Is that true?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: No. Healthcare professionals and hospitals are not inflating the numbers of COVID-19 cases to make more money. If anything, the number of cases and deaths are undercounted. Many hospitals lost money during the pandemic. Sadly, the rumor that clinicians and hospitals are inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases to make more money Read more…
October 20, 2021
How can I inquire about indoor air quality at my workplace and my child’s school?
Infection and Spread
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Two priorities: ventilation and filtration. See six key diligence questions below. First, two definitions for those who might want a “refresher” (ha ha…pun intended ;)) ➡️ VENTILATION – the provision of *fresh air* to indoor spaces; and ➡️ FILTRATION – the removal of disease-causing particles from indoor air Now onto the six key questions….. Read more…
October 19, 2021
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of General Colin Powell from COVID-19.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
A: Unfortunately, no. TL;DR: 💥Our current antibody tests can’t tell us how well someone is protected from COVID-19 infection or disease. Whether you have been previously infected, vaccinated, or a combination of the two, the recent authorization of booster shots in many countries has people wondering if they need one yet. While it would be Read more…
VaccinesThe news many in the U.S. were waiting for…this week ACIP and the CDC authorized booster shots for eligible Moderna and Johnson & Johnson recipients. Highlights: ➡️ Booster recommended for *ALL* Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine recipients at least two months past their shot. ➡️ MIX AND MATCH AUTHORIZED!! Everyone, including J&J recipients, can choose Read more…
Is your social media use out of control?
Mental Health
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
➡️ Here are a few tips to 🛠️tune up🛠️ your use and use the power of social media to make you feel 🌈 good. 🦋 1. HAVE A PURPOSE in using social media. 🗓️ Think about what information you are seeking out and what platforms you are going to use. Make a plan and stick Read more…
October 21, 2021
I heard that doctors and hospitals are falsely claiming that both admissions and deaths are due to COVID-19 to make more money. Is that true?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: No. Healthcare professionals and hospitals are not inflating the numbers of COVID-19 cases to make more money. If anything, the number of cases and deaths are undercounted. Many hospitals lost money during the pandemic. Sadly, the rumor that clinicians and hospitals are inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases to make more money Read more…
October 20, 2021
How can I inquire about indoor air quality at my workplace and my child’s school?
Infection and Spread
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Two priorities: ventilation and filtration. See six key diligence questions below. First, two definitions for those who might want a “refresher” (ha ha…pun intended ;)) ➡️ VENTILATION – the provision of *fresh air* to indoor spaces; and ➡️ FILTRATION – the removal of disease-causing particles from indoor air Now onto the six key questions….. Read more…
October 19, 2021
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of General Colin Powell from COVID-19.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
➡️ Here are a few tips to 🛠️tune up🛠️ your use and use the power of social media to make you feel 🌈 good. 🦋 1. HAVE A PURPOSE in using social media. 🗓️ Think about what information you are seeking out and what platforms you are going to use. Make a plan and stick Read more…
I heard that doctors and hospitals are falsely claiming that both admissions and deaths are due to COVID-19 to make more money. Is that true?
Uncertainty and Misinformation
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: No. Healthcare professionals and hospitals are not inflating the numbers of COVID-19 cases to make more money. If anything, the number of cases and deaths are undercounted. Many hospitals lost money during the pandemic. Sadly, the rumor that clinicians and hospitals are inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases to make more money Read more…
October 20, 2021
How can I inquire about indoor air quality at my workplace and my child’s school?
Infection and Spread
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Two priorities: ventilation and filtration. See six key diligence questions below. First, two definitions for those who might want a “refresher” (ha ha…pun intended ;)) ➡️ VENTILATION – the provision of *fresh air* to indoor spaces; and ➡️ FILTRATION – the removal of disease-causing particles from indoor air Now onto the six key questions….. Read more…
October 19, 2021
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of General Colin Powell from COVID-19.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
A: No. Healthcare professionals and hospitals are not inflating the numbers of COVID-19 cases to make more money. If anything, the number of cases and deaths are undercounted. Many hospitals lost money during the pandemic. Sadly, the rumor that clinicians and hospitals are inflating the number of COVID-19 deaths and cases to make more money Read more…
How can I inquire about indoor air quality at my workplace and my child’s school?
Infection and Spread
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Two priorities: ventilation and filtration. See six key diligence questions below. First, two definitions for those who might want a “refresher” (ha ha…pun intended ;)) ➡️ VENTILATION – the provision of *fresh air* to indoor spaces; and ➡️ FILTRATION – the removal of disease-causing particles from indoor air Now onto the six key questions….. Read more…
October 19, 2021
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of General Colin Powell from COVID-19.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
A: Two priorities: ventilation and filtration. See six key diligence questions below. First, two definitions for those who might want a “refresher” (ha ha…pun intended ;)) ➡️ VENTILATION – the provision of *fresh air* to indoor spaces; and ➡️ FILTRATION – the removal of disease-causing particles from indoor air Now onto the six key questions….. Read more…
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of General Colin Powell from COVID-19.
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
While his death is being highlighted by some as an example of vaccine failure, in fact it underscores why vaccines are so important to protect others and not just oneself. General Powell, who was 84 years old, suffered from multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer that forms in certain white blood cells. These cancerous Read more…
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
October 16, 2021
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
This week’s “dose” of vaccine news! (10/16/21)
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
October 15, 2021
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
💥 The FDA Vaccines and Biologics Product *Advisory* Committee met on Thursday to discuss recommendations on a third dose of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and on Friday to discuss a second dose of Johnson and Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. 💥 The committee unanimously recommended a 3rd half dose of the Moderna vaccine for people over the age Read more…
My kid has a runny nose. Should we get tested?
Testing and Contact Tracing
Chana Davis, PhD
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
October 14, 2021
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
A) Runny noses are tricky. On one hand, they’re a common symptom of COVID-19. On the other hand, they are usually due to some other bug. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure what you’ve got. Whether or not you test, be kind and spare others not just from the sniffles, but Read more…
I want to help my friends overcome vaccine hesitancy. How do I give a strong vaccine recommendation?
Uncertainty and Misinformation Vaccines
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
October 13, 2021
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
A: Give a strong, clear, favorable recommendation; be persistent; listen with empathy; address concerns; and keep the door open to keep talking about it! Receiving a strong recommendation in favor of vaccination from a trusted source is one of the most important reasons someone accepts immunization. Each of us can be that trusted source for Read more…
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
October 13, 2021
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
On the eve of the US FDA meetings some long awaited results from the US Mix and Match booster trial. TL;DR: ➡️ A boost of ANY vaccine raised antibodies a lot, no matter your first type of vaccine. ➡️ Boosting with an mRNA vaccine (Moderna or Pfizer) after an original Johnson & Johnson vaccine produced Read more…
Want to know more about infection vs. vaccine induced immunity to SARS-CoV-2?
Biology/Immunity Vaccines
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…
Immunologists who *really* do their own research on this topic have thoughts. Check out this infographic from the British Society for Immunology: TL;DR: ➡️ For most people vaccination will induce more effective & longer lasting immunity compared to natural infection. ➡️ Even if you’ve had COVID-19, vaccination will significantly boost the immunity you have from Read more…