Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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The CDC recommends the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for kids age 5-11!

Families/Kids Vaccines

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (@CDC) is recommending the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for ALL KIDS age 5 to 11 following their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting on November 2nd. Big picture: The vaccine is safe and effective for these kids and clinicians are gearing up to start giving the vaccine Read more…

If my child is almost 12 years old, should I wait for the higher dose when the Pfizer vaccine for 5-11s is approved?

Families/Kids Vaccines

A: Don’t wait. Get the vaccine authorized for kids aged 5-11 years. TL; DR The lower dose produces a strong immune response in kids and may have fewer side effects. Here’s why getting the dose for kids that is based on their current age is recommended: 1. The immune response in kids is easily stimulated Read more…

Are you 1 in 5?

Mental Health

➡️ 1 in 5 people live with a mental health condition in any year. Having a mental health condition not only increases the risk of having a physical illness, it also increases the risk of worse outcomes like hospitalization, complications from the illness, and death. This can happen with illnesses like COVID-19. The CDC has Read more…

Trick-or-Treat is a GO!!

Families/Kids Staying Safe

Last year, we went to the mat to save one of our favorite holidays, and thanks to #ScienceFacts, this year is going to be even safer than last year. Even Dr. Fauci says trick-or-treat is a go. Just remember to use all your #SMARTS! 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 Space: stay 6 pumpkins apart from other groups 👹 Mask: Read more…

Do vaccines reduce the transmission of COVID-19?

Infection and Spread Vaccines Videos

See the answer in this video by Dr. Chana Davis from Fueled by Science . DP Links: Do the COVID-19 vaccines reduce transmission? References: Outbreak Associated with SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 (Delta) Variant in an Elementary School — Marin County, California, May–June 2021 Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy (Ages 5-11). Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 26, Read more…

If I have been potentially exposed to COVID-19, should I sleep in a different room from my spouse?

General Health Infection and Spread

A: When bed partners have varying degrees of risk exposure and vulnerability to the disease, it’s worth discussing sleeping in separate spaces. The Nerdy Girls call this COVID Bed Spread. Here are some benefits to sleeping apart from other household members: 1.) REDUCED RISK OF VIRAL EXPOSURE (in both directions). Spending six or more hours Read more…