Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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The CDC’s Updated Guidance on Isolation

Infection and Spread Staying Safe Testing and Contact Tracing

The one certainty in this pandemic is CHANGE….. And in science, changing evidence means that we learn more about what we are studying. And that means that we update based on new knowledge. This is sort of, kind of, what happened this week. See Dr. Lindsey’s earlier post on this…..and the WHY…. Before diving in, Read more…

Why should we get a booster with the existing COVID vaccine when a new one is in the works for Omicron?

COVID Variants Vaccines

A: Boosters with the original Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increase protection against the omicron variant…NOW. A few weeks ago we posted on results from Pfizer showing that: 🔵 A third dose of the original Pfizer vaccine increased neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant by 25-fold, compared to levels seen with only two doses 🔵 Read more…

I just got my third vaccine dose, but I tested positive for COVID19…..Now what?

Infection and Spread Testing and Contact Tracing

Positively confusing! I just got my third vaccine dose, but I tested positive for COVID19…..Now what? QUICK ANSWER: ➡️ Tell your healthcare provider you have had a positive test result right away. ➡️ Isolate for 10 days after symptoms appeared or after your positive test if you never had symptoms. ➡️ Make sure you don’t Read more…

POSTCARDS FROM THE UK: Buckle up America (and everywhere else).

COVID Variants Data and Metrics Infection and Spread

And by buckle up, I mean BOOST-UP. And take other sensible precautions, especially leading up to the holidays. Nerdy Girl Jenn (🇺🇸 in 🇬🇧 ) writing from not-so-sunny England, home of the strangest shaped epidemic curve ever seen (Figure 1). Delta has been raging here since June and never went away. Omicron has a significant Read more…