Posts from Those Nerdy Girls

All the posts from our Those Nerdy Girls Facebook page dating back to May 1st, 2020, are currently archived here and can be searched for by category, key words, etc. Be sure to check back often as additional posts are being added each day.

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Should I still be wearing a mask when I am out of my home in the presence of other people?

Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe

A: Yes! You should wear the mask. A recent systematic review published in The Lancet examined the reduction in viral transmission with physical distancing and when wearing a mask. The rigorous study design summarizes existing evidence of 172 observational studies by grading the quality of each study and compiling the results. The findings of this Read more…

Study On Use of Steroids to Reduce COVID-19 Deaths


BREAKING NEWS: A well-designed study by a respectable research group has yielded preliminary results indicating that a common, inexpensive steroid reduced deaths among very ill patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Nerdy Girl initial reactions: (1) THE STUDY IS WELL-DESIGNED Using the 3 Cs Framework: COMPARISON, CHANCE, and CONTEXT a) There is a randomly assigned COMPARISON group Read more…

Have we learned anything new recently about COVID-19 transmission?

Infection and Spread

A: Recent analysis of infection clusters in Japan bolsters evidence that heavy breathing in close proximity is high risk activity for community spread. Japan has been aggressively tracing “clusters” of coronavirus infections, and the recently summary published by the CDC (linked below) is full of interesting findings. “Clusters” were defined as 5 or more confirmed Read more…

I hear that the CDC has recently published tips on “personal and social activities.” Can you please provide an overview?

Socializing Staying Safe

A: The CDC urges people to consider four factors prior to engaging in any given activity: (1) Extent of disease burden in your community; (2) Likelihood you’ll be coming into contact with potentially exposed individuals; (3) Your personal/household risk for a bad COVID outcome should you be exposed; (4) Ability to adapt personally protective behaviors Read more…

What’s your take on the recent study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences claiming that mandatory face coverings changed the course of the pandemic?

Masks Staying Safe

Link to study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences A: Based on all of the available evidence, we are wearing our masks and strongly encourage others to do so. Sadly, this study is a HOT MESS… How can this be? The *Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,* that’s a serious journal, Read more…

What Covid-19 metrics are best suited to guide our actions as a society moving forward?

Data and Metrics Data Literacy

A: Good scientific metrics require accurate measurement and must be reflective of the situation in real life. Unfortunately, Covid-19 creates opportunities for metrics upon metrics, some of which are not incredibly useful in guiding actions to stop the spread of the disease. With the help of a recent piece in the Washington Post, we will Read more…

Nerdy Guest Amy Hammock Discusses Domestic Violence During COVID-19

Families/Kids Mental Health

Dear Pandemic is pleased to introduce our Nerdy Guest Amy Hammock, MSW, PhD (Assistant Professor of Social Welfare, Core Faculty in the Program in Public Health, Stony Brook University) to discuss domestic violence during COVID-19. Q: Has domestic violence increased during the COVID-19 stay-at-home policies? A: Domestic violence—both intimate partner violence and child abuse—is an Read more…

Why are men more likely to be hospitalized and die from COVID than women?

Biology/Immunity Clinical Symptoms Families/Kids

A: Most likely due to biological sex differences in immune function, though other social and behavioral factors may contribute as well. Sadly, men are more likely be hospitalized, admitted to the ICU, and die from COVID-19 than women. This pattern first emerged in China and has been relatively consistent across countries, supporting the notion of Read more…

Is it safe to go back to the doctor?

Families/Kids Staying Safe

A: YES. Please don’t let fear keep you from seeking needed medical care! Nerdy Guest Dr. Eve Bloomgarden, a co-founder of Dear Pandemic partner organization Impact (, has kindly shared helpful and reassuring guidance for health care seekers. Impact is a physician-led organization developing and disseminating evidence-based advice to patients, policymakers, and other decision-makers impacted Read more…

Can you settle the controversy around hydroxychloroquine? What is the latest news around this drug?

Treatments Uncertainty and Misinformation

A. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) made headlines recently because a published observational study that raised alarms about its safety was retracted by the study’s authors. What does this mean? The results of scientific studies traditionally go through a rigorous review process by other researchers who were not involved in the original study. After this process, the article Read more…