Dear Pandemic COVID Q&A

Families/Kids Infection and Spread Socializing Staying Safe Videos

Dr. Leininger and Dr. Jones tackle follower questions in this not-quite-live Q&A session.

We’re answering questions about how to have an honest conversation about your pod (3:00), kids and transmission (7:00), fomites (12:45) and … how to think about Joe Biden’s negative test result from Friday, Oct 2 (at 17:20).

Related links:

What is the timeline from exposure to viral shedding to symptoms? When do people stop being contagious? When can I get out of quarantine? When is a PCR test accurate?

Summary of the evidence on modes of transmission from the Public Health Ontario In Canada

With the holidays approaching, I am wondering….does a pod still make sense?

American Scientist: What It Will Take to Reopen Schools Safely

How do I keep my pod from growing into a swarm?

Goats and Soda: Kids And Superspreaders Are Driving COVID-19 Cases In India, Huge Study Finds

Link to original FB post