Is your social media use out of control?

Mental Health

➡️ Here are a few tips to 🛠️tune up🛠️ your use and use the power of social media to make you feel 🌈 good. 🦋

1. HAVE A PURPOSE in using social media. 🗓️ Think about what information you are seeking out and what platforms you are going to use. Make a plan and stick to it.

2. SET A TIMER ⌛ for how long you are going to be on social media. 10 minutes is a great goal, but maybe start with 20-30 minutes if you are a heavy social media user. There is nothing wrong with it, but it is important to be aware of how much time you are spending on social media. Is it getting in the way of you doing other things? Is it making you feel irritable or bad about yourself? Then it may be time to decrease your time even more.

3. CLEAN UP your contacts. 🪠 Unfollow people if you don’t communicate with them anymore. Or if you just don’t want to see their content, that’s a reason to unfollow too. Follow new accounts that motivate and inspire you. Two mental health favorites: @drjessigold (drjessigold) and Pooja Lakshmin (@womensmentalhealthdoc). Maybe you have a few too.

😆 Seek out humor! Did you know that a recent study showed that looking at COVID-19 memes rather than reading the news may actually make us feel better? The combination of laughter, social connection, and shifting attention seems to be part of why this works.

Now go ahead and take control of your social media. Be focused, watch the time, clean up, and then swipe away for some laughs!

Stay Safe. Stay Sane.

With Love,
Those Nerdy Girls

More reading:

Social Media and COVID-19 Memes

Curating your social media

Photo Credit: USA Today

Link to Original FB Post