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CDC recommends the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents age 12-15!

Families/Kids Vaccines

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (@CDC) is recommending the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for all adolescents age 12-15 following the May12th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Big picture: The vaccine is safe and effective for these kids and clinicians are raring to start giving the vaccine to this age Read more…

¿Cuál es la definición de vacuna?


Sigo escuchando a la gente decir que la vacuna para COVID-19 ‘no es una vacuna’, entonces, ¿cuál es la definición de vacuna? ¿Las vacunas para COVID son realmente vacunas? R: Una vacuna es un producto que se introduce en su cuerpo con la intención de crear anticuerpos contra una enfermedad específica, dándole la capacidad de Read more…

Can’t we just offer incentives or lotteries to give reluctant folks an extra reason to get their shot?


Q: If vaccine demand is waning, can’t we just offer incentives or lotteries to give reluctant folks an extra reason to get their shot? A: Lotteries and other incentives could be really effective for promoting vaccine take-up. There are some potential pitfalls, too. Even before there were COVID-19 vaccines, there were pitches and proposals for Read more…

Are the vaccines effective against new variants?


A: Signs point to YES. While some emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants are more concerning than others, so far the vaccines remain effective at preventing disease and death. 💥 This means that while new “scariants” may make for eye-catching headlines, vaccines are still doing what we hoped to save lives and ultimately drive down transmission. Because of Read more…

Can I shed the vaccine to others?


 A: NO. We’ve seen this myth going around, and Those Nerdy Girls are here to set the record straight. ➡️It is biologically impossible to experience any effects from being near a vaccinated person. Read more: PolitiFact NY Times Link to original FB post

Will I have a “hyperimmune” response if I am exposed to current or new variants of SARS-CoV-2 after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?


A: No. There is no evidence of a hyperimmune response in COVID-19 vaccinated people later exposed to the virus. 👉🏽 TL;DR: Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 after having received a COVID-19 vaccine does not result in an exaggerated or dangerous immune response. Hundreds of millions of people globally have now received one of the approved COVID19 vaccines. Read more…

How do I respectfully share my vaccine enthusiasm with a hesitant-but-still-open-minded loved one?


A: An “empathy sandwich” can help. Prioritize connecting over convincing. Along with a big show of support, we Nerdy Girls are here to provide you with evidence-based tips designed to keep conversations both kind AND scientifically grounded 💕🤓💕 The TL;DR: An “empathy sandwich” approach can be a helpful guide. ❤️ LEAD WITH A QUESTION. Be Read more…

Has demand for the COVID-19 vaccine crashed in the US?


A: “Crashed”, “plummeted”, “off a cliff”, “vanished”, and “evaporated” are exaggerations, but vaccine demand has definitely weakened in many states. As Cynthia Cox, VP at Kaiser Family Foundation, put it recently: “Good news: In the next month, everyone who wants a vaccine will have gotten one. Bad news: In the next month, everyone who wants Read more…