Help! I have Maskne!
Sarah Whitley Coles, MD
A: We do too! Masks, while super important to prevent the spread of COVID-19, can be hard on the skin. You can develop problems like acne or skin irritation. But wait! There are some simple tips to help protect your skin. Maskne is a much more fun way to describe acne mechanica, a skin condition Read more…
October 19, 2020
Did a recent CDC study show that 85% of people who wear masks get COVID?
Masks Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: No. The CDC study showed that close contact with people who had COVID-19 or visiting locations that offered on-site eating and drinking were associated with getting COVID. This study does not offer any information about whether wearing a mask is a risk factor for getting COVID. So where does this 85% figure come from? Read more…
October 9, 2020
Can I wear a face shield by itself?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOPE. No face shield by itself. As we’ve previously covered, use of face shields by themselves is not recommended. A previous experimental study evaluated how well face shields protected the wearer, showing that smaller inbound particles can easily flow around the shield. Now in a new pre-print (not yet peer-reviewed) by scientists from the Read more…
September 17, 2020
Can a face mask act like a vaccine?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: Although we ❤️ the part where it promotes mask-wearing, this intriguing idea has not been proven. For now, keep wearing your mask (because it DOES reduce your likelihood of infecting others) and wait for the science to catch up with this hypothesis. It is not safe to put on a mask and purposely expose Read more…
September 5, 2020
Other than social distancing, wearing masks, staying outside, and washing hands, what else can we do to stay safe?
Families/Kids Masks Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Also, now that cooler weather is coming, what can my teenagers do indoors? We are already bored. A: It seems like you and your family are doing a lot of things right! Think about how much we’ve learned and adapted in the past 6 months. Wow. Congratulations. Here’s one more important factor to consider: Read more…
August 30, 2020
Some cloth masks have a pocket to insert a filter, is this necessary? If so, what material is best for the filter?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Any multi-layered cloth mask (at least 2 layers is recommended and 3 is even better) made of a tightly woven fabric is a good option. If you do use a two-layer mask with a built-in pocket for a filter as a third layer, here are some things to keep in mind. The type of Read more…
August 20, 2020
Is it true that neck gaiters are *worse* than no mask at all?!
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. If you like neck gaiters, breathe easy 🙂. Fabric (tighter weave) and fit are the more important variables, and wearing a face covering is almost certainly better than nothing at all. Double-up the layering to be safe. “Gaiter-gate” as it’s been lovingly dubbed, emerged last week from coverage of a small study Read more…
August 11, 2020
What to make of that recent study on different types of masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
August 7, 2020
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying Safe
A: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
July 31, 2020
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: We do too! Masks, while super important to prevent the spread of COVID-19, can be hard on the skin. You can develop problems like acne or skin irritation. But wait! There are some simple tips to help protect your skin. Maskne is a much more fun way to describe acne mechanica, a skin condition Read more…
Did a recent CDC study show that 85% of people who wear masks get COVID?
Masks Uncertainty and Misinformation
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: No. The CDC study showed that close contact with people who had COVID-19 or visiting locations that offered on-site eating and drinking were associated with getting COVID. This study does not offer any information about whether wearing a mask is a risk factor for getting COVID. So where does this 85% figure come from? Read more…
October 9, 2020
Can I wear a face shield by itself?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOPE. No face shield by itself. As we’ve previously covered, use of face shields by themselves is not recommended. A previous experimental study evaluated how well face shields protected the wearer, showing that smaller inbound particles can easily flow around the shield. Now in a new pre-print (not yet peer-reviewed) by scientists from the Read more…
September 17, 2020
Can a face mask act like a vaccine?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: Although we ❤️ the part where it promotes mask-wearing, this intriguing idea has not been proven. For now, keep wearing your mask (because it DOES reduce your likelihood of infecting others) and wait for the science to catch up with this hypothesis. It is not safe to put on a mask and purposely expose Read more…
September 5, 2020
Other than social distancing, wearing masks, staying outside, and washing hands, what else can we do to stay safe?
Families/Kids Masks Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Also, now that cooler weather is coming, what can my teenagers do indoors? We are already bored. A: It seems like you and your family are doing a lot of things right! Think about how much we’ve learned and adapted in the past 6 months. Wow. Congratulations. Here’s one more important factor to consider: Read more…
August 30, 2020
Some cloth masks have a pocket to insert a filter, is this necessary? If so, what material is best for the filter?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Any multi-layered cloth mask (at least 2 layers is recommended and 3 is even better) made of a tightly woven fabric is a good option. If you do use a two-layer mask with a built-in pocket for a filter as a third layer, here are some things to keep in mind. The type of Read more…
August 20, 2020
Is it true that neck gaiters are *worse* than no mask at all?!
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. If you like neck gaiters, breathe easy 🙂. Fabric (tighter weave) and fit are the more important variables, and wearing a face covering is almost certainly better than nothing at all. Double-up the layering to be safe. “Gaiter-gate” as it’s been lovingly dubbed, emerged last week from coverage of a small study Read more…
August 11, 2020
What to make of that recent study on different types of masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
August 7, 2020
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying Safe
A: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
July 31, 2020
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: No. The CDC study showed that close contact with people who had COVID-19 or visiting locations that offered on-site eating and drinking were associated with getting COVID. This study does not offer any information about whether wearing a mask is a risk factor for getting COVID. So where does this 85% figure come from? Read more…
Can I wear a face shield by itself?
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOPE. No face shield by itself. As we’ve previously covered, use of face shields by themselves is not recommended. A previous experimental study evaluated how well face shields protected the wearer, showing that smaller inbound particles can easily flow around the shield. Now in a new pre-print (not yet peer-reviewed) by scientists from the Read more…
September 17, 2020
Can a face mask act like a vaccine?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe Uncertainty and Misinformation
A: Although we ❤️ the part where it promotes mask-wearing, this intriguing idea has not been proven. For now, keep wearing your mask (because it DOES reduce your likelihood of infecting others) and wait for the science to catch up with this hypothesis. It is not safe to put on a mask and purposely expose Read more…
September 5, 2020
Other than social distancing, wearing masks, staying outside, and washing hands, what else can we do to stay safe?
Families/Kids Masks Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Also, now that cooler weather is coming, what can my teenagers do indoors? We are already bored. A: It seems like you and your family are doing a lot of things right! Think about how much we’ve learned and adapted in the past 6 months. Wow. Congratulations. Here’s one more important factor to consider: Read more…
August 30, 2020
Some cloth masks have a pocket to insert a filter, is this necessary? If so, what material is best for the filter?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Any multi-layered cloth mask (at least 2 layers is recommended and 3 is even better) made of a tightly woven fabric is a good option. If you do use a two-layer mask with a built-in pocket for a filter as a third layer, here are some things to keep in mind. The type of Read more…
August 20, 2020
Is it true that neck gaiters are *worse* than no mask at all?!
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. If you like neck gaiters, breathe easy 🙂. Fabric (tighter weave) and fit are the more important variables, and wearing a face covering is almost certainly better than nothing at all. Double-up the layering to be safe. “Gaiter-gate” as it’s been lovingly dubbed, emerged last week from coverage of a small study Read more…
August 11, 2020
What to make of that recent study on different types of masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
August 7, 2020
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying Safe
A: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
July 31, 2020
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: NOPE. No face shield by itself. As we’ve previously covered, use of face shields by themselves is not recommended. A previous experimental study evaluated how well face shields protected the wearer, showing that smaller inbound particles can easily flow around the shield. Now in a new pre-print (not yet peer-reviewed) by scientists from the Read more…
Can a face mask act like a vaccine?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe Uncertainty and MisinformationA: Although we ❤️ the part where it promotes mask-wearing, this intriguing idea has not been proven. For now, keep wearing your mask (because it DOES reduce your likelihood of infecting others) and wait for the science to catch up with this hypothesis. It is not safe to put on a mask and purposely expose Read more…
Other than social distancing, wearing masks, staying outside, and washing hands, what else can we do to stay safe?
Families/Kids Masks Socializing Staying Safe
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
Q: Also, now that cooler weather is coming, what can my teenagers do indoors? We are already bored. A: It seems like you and your family are doing a lot of things right! Think about how much we’ve learned and adapted in the past 6 months. Wow. Congratulations. Here’s one more important factor to consider: Read more…
August 30, 2020
Some cloth masks have a pocket to insert a filter, is this necessary? If so, what material is best for the filter?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Any multi-layered cloth mask (at least 2 layers is recommended and 3 is even better) made of a tightly woven fabric is a good option. If you do use a two-layer mask with a built-in pocket for a filter as a third layer, here are some things to keep in mind. The type of Read more…
August 20, 2020
Is it true that neck gaiters are *worse* than no mask at all?!
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. If you like neck gaiters, breathe easy 🙂. Fabric (tighter weave) and fit are the more important variables, and wearing a face covering is almost certainly better than nothing at all. Double-up the layering to be safe. “Gaiter-gate” as it’s been lovingly dubbed, emerged last week from coverage of a small study Read more…
August 11, 2020
What to make of that recent study on different types of masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
August 7, 2020
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying Safe
A: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
July 31, 2020
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
Q: Also, now that cooler weather is coming, what can my teenagers do indoors? We are already bored. A: It seems like you and your family are doing a lot of things right! Think about how much we’ve learned and adapted in the past 6 months. Wow. Congratulations. Here’s one more important factor to consider: Read more…
Some cloth masks have a pocket to insert a filter, is this necessary? If so, what material is best for the filter?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: Any multi-layered cloth mask (at least 2 layers is recommended and 3 is even better) made of a tightly woven fabric is a good option. If you do use a two-layer mask with a built-in pocket for a filter as a third layer, here are some things to keep in mind. The type of Read more…
August 20, 2020
Is it true that neck gaiters are *worse* than no mask at all?!
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. If you like neck gaiters, breathe easy 🙂. Fabric (tighter weave) and fit are the more important variables, and wearing a face covering is almost certainly better than nothing at all. Double-up the layering to be safe. “Gaiter-gate” as it’s been lovingly dubbed, emerged last week from coverage of a small study Read more…
August 11, 2020
What to make of that recent study on different types of masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
August 7, 2020
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying Safe
A: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
July 31, 2020
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: Any multi-layered cloth mask (at least 2 layers is recommended and 3 is even better) made of a tightly woven fabric is a good option. If you do use a two-layer mask with a built-in pocket for a filter as a third layer, here are some things to keep in mind. The type of Read more…
Is it true that neck gaiters are *worse* than no mask at all?!
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Probably not. If you like neck gaiters, breathe easy 🙂. Fabric (tighter weave) and fit are the more important variables, and wearing a face covering is almost certainly better than nothing at all. Double-up the layering to be safe. “Gaiter-gate” as it’s been lovingly dubbed, emerged last week from coverage of a small study Read more…
August 11, 2020
What to make of that recent study on different types of masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
August 7, 2020
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying Safe
A: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
July 31, 2020
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: Probably not. If you like neck gaiters, breathe easy 🙂. Fabric (tighter weave) and fit are the more important variables, and wearing a face covering is almost certainly better than nothing at all. Double-up the layering to be safe. “Gaiter-gate” as it’s been lovingly dubbed, emerged last week from coverage of a small study Read more…
What to make of that recent study on different types of masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
August 7, 2020
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying Safe
A: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
July 31, 2020
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: Check out this excellent post from our friend Your Local Epidemiologist! Types of face masks. In the past, we’ve only used surgical masks during epidemics (think SARS and MERS). We know these work. If you need the science (including a meta-analysis) let me know. But, now that we need masks on a global scale, Read more…
Do masks work at slowing the spread of Covid-19?
Masks Staying SafeA: YES! Wearing a mask reduces the spread of droplets containing the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Blocking these droplets with a mask from shooting out into the world around us reduces transmission from person to person. Masks block a significant amount of these droplets while still allowing gases to pass in and out of the mask. Still Read more…
What’s the importance of ventilation in preventing SARS-CoV-2?
Infection and Spread Masks Reopening School Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
July 29, 2020
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
Q: How can I best manage the ventilation in my own office/school/home? A: Scientists are calling for more attention to VENTILATION in prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. You can help manage risk by opening doors and windows where possible, increasing outside airflow and filtration in HVAC systems, using portable HEPA air filters, and wearing masks indoors. Read more…
I’ve heard that I should wear a mask to protect others. Will it also protect me?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
July 24, 2020
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: YES! As the Nerdy Girls like to reiterate, risk reduction is not all or nothing. While masks have been encouraged as “source control”- a way of blocking outbound aerosols and droplets as you breathe, speak, sneeze or cough, accumulating evidence suggests that they can provide important protection to the wearer as well. See our Read more…
What protective gear do I REALLY need?
Masks Staying Safe
Lindsey Leininger, PhD MA
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
July 21, 2020
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: Masks? CHECK. Gloves? Probably not. Goggles and/or face shields? More complicated. This week Team Nerdy Girls has received many questions about protective gear for everyday living – and have been steadfastly sourcing good information on the topic. We’re happy to share that Consumer Reports has recently written a terrific guide about “gearing up” for Read more…
Can I wear a Face Shield by itself?
Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
July 15, 2020
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: NOT RECOMMENDED. As more businesses open up, we’re aware of reports of employees wearing ONLY Face Shields/Visors for protection (for example many hairdressers in the UK). This approach is NOT recommended. While face shields provide some additional protection to the wearer, especially for the eyes, they should be used as a complement to face Read more…
Do you have any other tips to help kids get used to wearing masks?
Masks Staying Safe
Amanda Simanek, PhD MPH
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
July 15, 2020
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: We get it, many of us have young children and are actively working on mask use with them as well! We previously posted some useful ideas for encouraging kids to wear masks and a video for kids by the fabulous Nerdy Girl, Dr. Aparna Kumar, explaining how and why they should wear them and we Read more…
Will a gaiter protect me from coronavirus?
Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
July 14, 2020
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: Let’s discuss. The gaiters we are referring to are facial coverings that go around your neck and extend from above your nose down your neck. They are commonly used to protect against the sun, inhalation of dust, or during very cold outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and skiing. Gaiters, to our knowledge, were not Read more…
Do masks work?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
July 12, 2020
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: Signs point to YES! As we’ve been heard to say, “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” While our gold standard randomized controlled trials are not very practical for testing the efficacy of masks during a pandemic (how would YOU like to be in that placebo group?!), accumulating evidence from different types of Read more…
How do I choose the best face mask?
Infection and Spread Masks Staying Safe
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
July 8, 2020
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
A: Awesome job wearing a mask! We know it’s a new habit and not always comfortable. Masks are effective in trapping droplets capable of spreading Covid-19. If we all wear one, we can greatly reduce the spread of the virus. Step one is committing to mask wearing. They all provide some level of protection. Step Read more…
I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem
Masks Staying Safe Videos
Malia Jones, PhD MPH
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post
Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic. Link to original FB post