MASK FAQs: Here’s some science behind the changing recommendations for wearing face masks in public


Should everyone wear a mask in public?

– Guidelines continue to change locally and nationally. We will continue to follow these updates with you. For now, consider wearing a mask in public if: 1) you are at high risk for complications from the virus, 2) there are high infection rates in your area, 3) you live in a densely populated area, 4) your essential duties put you in contact with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 cases.

What is the benefit of wearing a mask in public?

– Evidence suggests wearing a mask decreases the spread of virus from individuals who have no symptoms of illness but are still capable of spreading the virus.

Are there any risks to wearing a mask in public?

– Risks of wearing a mask in public include 1) forgetting the importance of social distancing, 2) touching your mask and therefore your face, 3) contaminating your hands when you take off your mask, and 4) diversions of masks from high risk places like hospitals to lower risk community settings.

Masks will not stop the spread of all virus droplets. Please remain at home as much as possible, AND DEFINITELY IF YOU ARE SICK. If wearing a mask, be sure not to touch the outside while wearing or when taking off. Hand washing remains extremely important. Medical grade masks should be reserved for health personnel and high-risk community members.


Nature Article

Original FB post