Dear Pandemic Videos

9-19-20 Q&A with Malia Jones and Jennifer Beam Dowd

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD answer followers’ questions from this week’s Question Box.

9-12-20 Q&A with Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD answer followers’ questions from this week’s Question Box.

9-5-20 Q&A with Malia Jones and Lindsey Leininger

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD answer followers’ questions from this week’s Question Box.

8-28-20 Viruses and the Immune System with Dr. Ashley Ritter & Willa

Dr. Ritter and Willa give a fun, hand-on explanation of viruses and the immune system.

8/24/20 Relaxing With Your Mask by Aparna Kumar

Nervous about wearing your mask? Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP can help!

8/13/20 Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Lindsey Leininger, PhD on CNN

Lindsey Leininger, PhD, on staying safe and eating out.

8/12/20 Amani Martorella Interview on Young Adults, Mental Health, and College

Nerdy Guest Amani Martorella chats with Malia about young adults, mental health, and college. Amani Martorella, MSSW, is the Senior Clinical Social Worker at the Johns Hopkins University’s student counseling center, and the senior staff advisor for A Place To Talk, a campus peer mental health support group. She talks about how college students have been affected by the pandemic, getting sent home and coming back for the college experience, and the role of universities in making a safe return to campus possible.

8/8/20 Octopus and Turtle Teach Us About Playing Together Safely

Playing together safely is demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP

7/30/20 Meredith Matone Interview on Surveillance

Our nerdy guest, Dr. Meredith Matone (Scientific Director, CHOP Policy Lab) helped us to understand the concept of surveillance.

7/29/20 Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools

Interview of Malia Jones, PhD, MPH on reopening schools on Channel 3000, Madison, WI.

7/20/20 – Parenting and Women in Science

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Dr. Malia Jones and Dr. Amanda Simanek chat with a collaboration of academic women who recently authored an opinion piece about women, parenting, academia and the sciences in heavy-hitting journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Our guests are Drs. Breanna Harris, Kristy Lewis, Jessica Mallish, Pimtiwitt McCarthy, Shanen Sheer, and Stephanie Shepherd.

7/17/20 – Malia Jones as Dr. Fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci addresses “How do we know who to trust?”

7/12/20 Doctors discuss COVID-19 and what they have learned

Drs. Vineet Arora and Eve Bloomgarden, MDs and co-founders of IMPACT, discuss what they’ve learned these last few months about how COVID-19 impacts physicians and patients with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girls Malia Jones, PhD, MPH and Lindsey Leininger, PhD.

7/10/20 COVID-19 Risk Assessment using COVID Crush

COVID-19 Risk Assessment is demonstrated by Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Malia Jones, PhD, MPH

7/9/20 Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan on COVID-19 in Peru

Dr. Valerie Paz Soldan, PhD, Director of the Tulane Health Office for Latin America, discusses COVID-19 in Peru with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Alison Buttenheim, PhD, MBA

7/8/20 I am confused about my mask. COVID-19 poem

Poem inspired by Green Eggs & Ham about wearing masks during the COVID-19 Pandemic written and performed by Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic

7/7/20 COVID-19 Hand Washing Demo for Children

COVID-19 hand washing procedures are demonstrated by Aparna Kumar, PhD, MPH, CRNP

6/30/20 COVID-19 Children’s Mask Demonstration

Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD demonstrates the necessity to wear a mask for children.

6/19/20 Dr. Michael Lens of UCLA on housing policy & the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr. Michael Lens of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Policy chats with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Malia Jones, PhD, MPH about housing policy & the pandemic. Dr. Lens is an Associate Prof. of Urban Planning and Public Policy at UCLA and Associate Faculty Director of the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies.

6/15/20 Adrienne Griffin discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19

Adrienne Griffin, Executive Director of the Maternal Mental Health Leadership Alliance, discusses maternal mental health issues during COVID-19 with Dear Pandemic Nerdy Girl Dr. Aparna Kumar, BSN, MSN, PhD.

6/11/20 Dr. James Conway talks with Dear Pandemic about COVID-19 vaccine development

Dr. James Conway, Prof. of Pediatrics – Division of Infectious Disease – University of Wisconsin, Madison School of Medicine and Public Health