Q: How can I check whether I am registered to vote?

Social and Racial Justice

Q: How can I check whether I am registered to vote?

A: Visit the U.S. Election Assistance Commission website.

It can feel like there are a zillion websites with voter registration information, the rules are different in every state, and the information overwhelm can be well…overwhelming!

Don’t worry, we got you.

An easy way to get voter registration information for your specific state is to visit the U.S. Election Assistance Commission page (https://www.eac.gov/voters/register-and-vote-in-your-state) and select the state you live in. This will take you right to state-specific information and links where you can:

  • Check whether your voter registration is up to date. You must be registered to vote with your current address and legal name for your registration to be up to date. If you recently moved (even within the same state) or changed your name, and aren’t sure if you updated your voter registration, best to check!
  • Update your voter registration. If you find out your voter registration is NOT up to date, you need to update your registration by the voter registration deadline in your state (which varies and can be as soon as 30 days before the election)! This is coming up soon, so don’t wait!
  • Register to vote if you aren’t already registered. If this is your first time registering to vote, you can find information about registering to vote online, by mail, or in-person specific to your state.
  • Find the voter registration deadlines in your state (some are coming up soon!). Deadlines for voter registration vary state to state, and by method of registration, so definitely check on the deadlines for your state and don’t wait to register or update your registration if needed!

For more information on voter registration, we also recommend vote.gov! If you have other questions about checking your voter registration, updating your registration, and registering to vote-period, let us know in the comments! Also, look for our next post on voting in-person, by mail and absentee!

To read our past post on voting, see here:


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