4th of July Safety Tips

Families/Kids Staying Safe

🇺🇸🇺🇸 Those Nerdy Girls wishes a safe and happy 4th of July to all who celebrate! Here are some tips to get you, your family, and your pets through safely.

➡️ FIREWORKS SAFETY TIPS (courtesy American Red Cross)

The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a public fireworks show put on by professionals. Many states outlaw most fireworks, so consider celebrating with glow sticks, noise makers, or silly string instead. If you choose to set fireworks off at home, follow these safety steps:

🧒🏽 Never give fireworks to small children, and never throw or point a firework toward people, animals, vehicles, structures, or flammable materials.

⁉️ Always follow the instructions on the packaging.

🪣 Keep a supply of water close by.

🥽 Make sure the person lighting fireworks always wears eye protection.

🎆 Light only one firework at a time and never attempt to relight “a dud.”

🆒 Store fireworks in a cool, dry place away from children and pets.

🐕🐈 Never use fireworks around pets, keep pets indoors. Exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns or trauma, and many pets are also fearful of loud noises and can become lost, scared, or disoriented.

➡️ HEAT SAFETY TIPS (courtesy American Red Cross)

No matter where you live, there’s a good chance you’ll experience a hot 4th of July. The Weather Channel reports that this summer parts of the U.S. could see record-setting heat.

What you should do:: Slow down, stay hydrated, and spend time indoors.

🦥Slow down by postponing or limiting outdoor activities. If you must work or play outdoors, take frequent breaks and avoid the hottest part of the day.

🚗 Never leave children or pets in your vehicle alone.

💦 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding sugary and alcoholic drinks. Check that animals also have access to fresh water and shade.

🏡 Spend time indoors in an air-conditioned place. If you don’t have air conditioning, go to a public library, shopping mall, or public cooling center. Check on loved ones and neighbors who may be at risk and don’t have air conditioning.

➡️ SUN SAFETY TIPS (courtesy Those Nerdy Girls – See details here.)

As you gear up for summer, it’s also a good time to check in on your sun-safety routine. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light is a major risk factor for skin cancer, but it’s a preventable one with good daily habits.

The 3 essential sun-safe habits are:
✅ Covering up
✅ Using sunscreen
✅ Being sensible about sun exposure
✅ Cover up

This is often the best place to start for skin protection. Covering up is a quick and easy way to provide broad coverage and protect delicate areas. Some good options:

A wide-brimmed hat
* Choose a hat made with densely woven fabric that protects your face, ears, and back of your neck.
* A chin strap is a good option to keep your hat in place on breezy days.
* Your hat should feel comfortable to wear for long stretches of time.

UV protective sunglasses
* Wear sunglasses with 100% UV protection.
* Choose sunglasses with full, wraparound coverage.
* Pricy polarized pairs don’t provide any extra UV protection.

Sun-protective clothing and swimwear
* Look for options made from lightweight, comfortable fabrics with ultraviolet protection factor (UPF).

✅ Apply sunscreen
* Sunburn protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher
* Broad Spectrum (blocks UVA and UVB rays)
* “Water resistant” (lasts 40 minutes) or “very water resistant” (lasts 80 minutes)

✅ Be sensible about sun exposure
All exposure counts, but it’s not all the same. Here are a few things to remember:

* Use sun protection every day no matter the weather or season.
* Be extra careful between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun’s rays are strongest.
* Seek shade—or bring your own.
* Sand, water, and snow reflect sunlight and increase your UV exposure.
* Don’t discount short everyday sun exposures, especially if you have very light skin—sunburns can happen in only 5 to 10 minutes.
* Be prepared. Sunburns can happen on days you weren’t planning on being in the sun. Keeping sun protection on hand is best so you’re always prepared.

➡️ KEEPING KIDS SAFE AROUND WATER (courtesy Those Nerdy Girls)

👩‍🎓 Learn CPR: Anyone who is caring for children should learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). There are tons of options including online and in-person classes.

👁 Watch all children around water: An adult should always be designated as the “watcher,” someone who is dedicated to watching the kids. This person should not be drinking alcohol, needs to get rid of all distractions (bye-bye cell phone!), and avoid all other activities. If multiple adults are present, the watcher should switch out every 15 minutes or so to keep everyone’s eyes freshly peeled and focused up! Touch supervision should be used for kids under the age of 4 or who do not swim well. This means the adult is always within arm’s length.

🦺 Wear life vests: In or near any natural body of water (like oceans, rivers, or lakes), life vests should be worn at all times. Make sure the life vest fits. Pool noodles, arm floaties, and inner tubes are no substitute for the real-deal life jacket or vest.

⛓ Fence and secure pools and spas: The fence should be at least 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall, have no opening underneath, and have slats less than 4 inches wide. Do not pick a style of fence that kids can easily climb on (remember: children are climbing machines!). Self-latching and self-closing gates are also helpful.

🏊‍♂️ Teach children to swim: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends swimming lessons for all children and their caregivers. Most kids are ready to learn by the age of 4, and toddler and preschool classes starting as young as 1 year old can be beneficial.

❗️ Remember that drowning can happen at ANY time: About two-thirds of all drownings in kids under the age of 4 happen outside of swimming activities. Drowning can occur even in very shallow water. Never leave open-top water containers around where kids can reach them. This includes buckets, wading pools, coolers, and even water bowls for pets. Bathroom time should also be monitored and safety latches can be installed on toilets to keep that pesky lid closed (it will also keep the pets out, which is an added bonus!).

➡️ PET SAFETY TIPS (courtesy Morris Animal Foundation)

🐕🐈 Keep your dogs and cats inside: A startled pet may bolt unexpectedly, and even their own backyard can feel scary when fireworks are going off. Restricting them to the house for a few critical hours is a small price to pay for their safety.

🤫 Create a quiet, cool space: Stressed pets often overheat and a cooler space may be more comforting.

📺 Use distraction: Play soothing music or turn on the television for white noise to drown out exploding firecracker sounds. A favorite toy or treats also can reduce anxiety.

🪟 Keep your pets away from windows: More than one veterinarian has seen a startled dog smash through a window.

🎆 Don’t bring your dog to fireworks displays: Veterinarians recommend that you resist the urge to take pets to fireworks displays. Even if your dog isn’t afraid of loud sounds, fireworks may stress out and frighten your pet. Just don’t do it.

💊 Learn about available medications or other options for calming nervous pets before the big day: For some animals, medication can help decrease stress and calm a nervous pet. Non-pharmaceutical products, such as calming coats can be considered. Consult your veterinarian about medications and their side effects, as well as other strategies to help your pet.

🐕 Update microchip and ID tag information: Make sure your pet’s microchip and ID tag information has your current contact information. It’s the best way to get your pet safely returned should they get startled and make a run for it.

🍺 At July 4th parties, keep alcohol and marijuana products away from pets: Cats and dogs can become dangerously intoxicated, leading to severe health emergencies such as respiratory failure and even comas and death. Beer with fermented hops and ethanol is especially toxic to cats and dogs. Marijuana poisoning in dogs and cats can be severe if not treated promptly.

🌭 Avoid table scraps: Avoid the urge to feed your pets fatty barbeque scraps or foods intended for your people guests. Some foods can cause upset stomachs and may even be toxic to your pet.

🐴 Don’t forget the horses: If there are fireworks in the area, depending on the temperament or routine of your animals, decide if it is best to have your horse remain in its stall or out in the pasture. Make sure fencing is secure and gates are firmly latched.

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