Dear Pandemic Live Q&A 05-07-22
General Health Infection and Spread Masks Testing and Contact Tracing Videos
Chana Davis, PhD
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
May 7, 2022
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
Live COVID Q&A with Those Nerdy Girls of Dear Pandemic Featuring Nerdy Girls: Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD – TNG CEO & Founding Member Chana Davis, PhD, Fueled by Science: TNG Contributing Writer Those Nerdy Girls are back to tackle your latest COVID questions. ➡️ Welcome, Intros, and chit chat (0:00-1:02) ➡️ The impact of pandemic Read more…
¿Se puede usar Flonase, el spray nasal para alergias, el spray nasal salino, o la irrigación nasal antes de administrar una prueba rápida de COVID-19 o cambiarán mis resultados?
Infection and Spread Posts en Español Testing and Contact Tracing
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
May 7, 2022
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
No hay evidencia de que usar el spray nasal cambiará los resultados de su prueba. 🧪Las pruebas rápidas de COVID-19 son positivas cuando detectan una gran cantidad de la proteína que está presente en SARS CoV-2 en sus orificios nasales. No es probable que el spray nasal para alergias cambie la cantidad de 🦠 virus Read more…
Should I get boosted now or wait?
Ashley Ritter, APRN, PhD
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…
If you are eligible for a COVID-19 booster, get it NOW. Getting boosted now provides additional protection in the present and you will still be eligible for future boosters. Moderna has announced plans for a fall booster that includes coverage for previous strains of COVID-19 as well as Omicron strains. The goal of an updated Read more…