March 11, 2022
¿Qué es la niebla mental del Síndrome de COVID Prolongado y qué puedo hacer al respecto?
Clinical Symptoms Long COVID Posts en Español
Aparna Kumar, PhD CRNP MPH
La niebla mental es un término para definir de manera genérica la presencia de confusión, dificultad para pensar, problemas para concentrarse, problemas de memoria, fatiga mental o simplemente, para referirse a la sensación de sentirse “aturdido”. La niebla mental después de una infección por COVID-19 es muy común y puede ir de leve a debilitante. Read more…
March 11, 2022
Do free-falling COVID cases after a truly horrible winter surge mean we have endured the last wave and are nearing the end of the pandemic?
Data and Metrics
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
We hope so, but not necessarily…. the recent dramatic fall in cases looks A LOT like what we saw last year at this time. Even though falling cases and herd immunity talk make it *feel* like the pandemic is ending, we should remain humble and remember that these predictions have been wrong before. The Nerdy Read more…
La niebla mental es un término para definir de manera genérica la presencia de confusión, dificultad para pensar, problemas para concentrarse, problemas de memoria, fatiga mental o simplemente, para referirse a la sensación de sentirse “aturdido”. La niebla mental después de una infección por COVID-19 es muy común y puede ir de leve a debilitante. Read more…
March 11, 2022
Do free-falling COVID cases after a truly horrible winter surge mean we have endured the last wave and are nearing the end of the pandemic?
Data and Metrics
Kristen Panthagani, MD, PhD
We hope so, but not necessarily…. the recent dramatic fall in cases looks A LOT like what we saw last year at this time. Even though falling cases and herd immunity talk make it *feel* like the pandemic is ending, we should remain humble and remember that these predictions have been wrong before. The Nerdy Read more…
We hope so, but not necessarily…. the recent dramatic fall in cases looks A LOT like what we saw last year at this time. Even though falling cases and herd immunity talk make it *feel* like the pandemic is ending, we should remain humble and remember that these predictions have been wrong before. The Nerdy Read more…