October 28, 2021
Los virus Coxsackie y la fiebre aftosa
Families/Kids Posts en Español
Tita Smyth Escobedo, PM-IT
También llamada la enfermedad de manos – pies – y boca. ¿Su hijo menor de 5 años tiene secreción nasal acompañada de una tendencia general a ser absoluta e inusualmente miserable? ¿No quieren nada más que lloriquear y beber leche fría durante todo el día? Su sufrimiento podría estar causado por el virus 🦠 Coxsackie Read more…
October 28, 2021
If I have been potentially exposed to COVID-19, should I sleep in a different room from my spouse?
General Health Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: When bed partners have varying degrees of risk exposure and vulnerability to the disease, it’s worth discussing sleeping in separate spaces. The Nerdy Girls call this COVID Bed Spread. Here are some benefits to sleeping apart from other household members: 1.) REDUCED RISK OF VIRAL EXPOSURE (in both directions). Spending six or more hours Read more…
También llamada la enfermedad de manos – pies – y boca. ¿Su hijo menor de 5 años tiene secreción nasal acompañada de una tendencia general a ser absoluta e inusualmente miserable? ¿No quieren nada más que lloriquear y beber leche fría durante todo el día? Su sufrimiento podría estar causado por el virus 🦠 Coxsackie Read more…
October 28, 2021
If I have been potentially exposed to COVID-19, should I sleep in a different room from my spouse?
General Health Infection and Spread
Lauren Hale, PhD MA
A: When bed partners have varying degrees of risk exposure and vulnerability to the disease, it’s worth discussing sleeping in separate spaces. The Nerdy Girls call this COVID Bed Spread. Here are some benefits to sleeping apart from other household members: 1.) REDUCED RISK OF VIRAL EXPOSURE (in both directions). Spending six or more hours Read more…
A: When bed partners have varying degrees of risk exposure and vulnerability to the disease, it’s worth discussing sleeping in separate spaces. The Nerdy Girls call this COVID Bed Spread. Here are some benefits to sleeping apart from other household members: 1.) REDUCED RISK OF VIRAL EXPOSURE (in both directions). Spending six or more hours Read more…