The U.S. Food and Drug Administration meets to discuss KIDS vaccines TODAY (October 26th)!

Families/Kids Vaccines

TODAY IS THE DAY! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration meets to discuss KIDS vaccines TODAY (October 26th)! The FDA released summary documents ahead of today’s VRBAC meeting which foreshadowed their assessment of the current evidence for vaccinating 5-11-year-olds. ➡️ TL;DR: The FDA estimates that vaccine benefits “clearly outweigh” the risks for this age group. Read more…

Tengo COVID-19. ¿Qué debo hacer para cuidarme?

Posts en Español Treatments

Estos son algunos consejos de autocuidado de nuestra académica visitante, la Dra. Maya Clark-Cutaia. La Dra. Clark-Cutaia es una enfermera e investigadora que ha tratado a miles de pacientes que experimentan síntomas de COVID-19 en los últimos 18 meses. Tal vez usted está experimentando fiebre, tos, dificultad para respirar, congestión, dolor de cabeza, dolor de Read more…