October 18, 2021
COVID-19 cases are way down in the U.S. We’re out of the woods, right?!
Data and Metrics
Jennifer Beam Dowd, PhD
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…
A: We REALLY hope so. But we’ve learned that making predictions during this pandemic is… unwise. After Delta spoiled optimistic summer and back to school plans in much of the U.S, the fall has brought an unexpected dive in confirmed case numbers. The 7-day rolling average of around 84K/day on October 16th is down more Read more…