
Five Breakthrough Vaccines in Development


*World Immunization Week was 24-30 April, 2024

In recognition of World Immunization Week 2024, we’re highlighting five breakthrough vaccines in development that could transform the fight against some of the world’s deadliest diseases.

The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines has shown the incredible power of immunization, saving millions of lives. Today, vaccines prevent over 20 life-threatening diseases and save up to 5 million lives annually.

đź’‰First up, Tuberculosis. TB claimed 1.3 million lives in 2022. A new TB vaccine is in a Phase 3 trial.

đź’‰Next, Zika. No vaccines exist yet, but Valneva’s and Moderna’s are in trials.

đź’‰Lassa fever affects thousands annually in West Africa. A Phase 2 trial for a Lassa fever vaccine is underway.

đź’‰Nipah virus has a high fatality rate. The vaccine, in Phase 1 trials, could become the first protection against this deadly infection.

đź’‰Finally, ETEC, another form of E. Coli, is a major cause of severe diarrhea in children. The vaccine is in advanced trials.

Breakthroughs like these are made possible by sustained investment in research and development. This World Immunization Week, let’s celebrate the vaccines that protect us and the innovations that promise a healthier future for all.

Stay safe nerds!

Those Nerdy Girls

Global Health Technology Coalition

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